The Anatomy of Breathing- Part 1 Amy Wheeler, Ph.D.
The Pancha Maya-s Mano Maya (Mind) Anna Maya (Physical) Vijñana Maya (Personality) DAY ONE - AFTERNOON The Pancha Mayas - reference - Taittreya Upanishads Ch. 2 & 3 5 (Pancha) Levels (Mayas=that which pervades everywhere) of the Human System -- from Gross to Subtle. Levels are strongly bound to one another. What happens at one level may express itself at any of the other levels. The symptoms may be at one level and the cause at another level. Yoga and Ayurveda use this model Physical level - that which is nourished by food Breathing level - that which is nourish by the breath (Prana=life energy, inner breath) Mind level - that which is nourished by the mind, what we learn and is stored in the intellectual body Personality - that which is nourished by the personality Emotional level - that which is nourished by the emotions, e.g., joy, etc. Prana Maya (Breath) Ananda Maya (Emotional)
Anatomy of Breathing
Mouth vs. Nose Breathing
Mouth vs. Nose Breathing
Organs of Breathing
Oxygen Exchange
Arteries and Veins
Aveoli of the Lungs
The Exchange
Oxygen Going out and Coming Back
Dynamic Movement
Hold After Inhalation