Revising Subaward Policy and Procedures to Comply with Uniform Guidance Marianne Green Grants Analyst Compliance Officer
How To Achieve My Objective
Project Objective Objective: Update our current subaward policy and procedures to comply with the Uniform Guidance CFR Title 2: Grants and Agreements Part 200 using Kouzes & Posner’s five practices, and ten commitments found in their book Leadership Challenge
Model The Way Find My Voice My Values Set an Example Take Action
Inspire A Shared Vision: Envision the Future: I see the light! Enlist Others: Like I could do this alone…
Challenge The Process Search for Opportunities I Love Google! Experiment and Take Risks What…huh!?!
Enable Others To Act Foster Collaboration Uh…What do you think? Strengthen Others Value Input
Encourage The Heart Recognize Contributions Say Thank You Celebrate the Values and Victories Let’s Party
Learning This program was a great learning experience in leadership, and how to effectively motivate and inspire people to want to achieve greatness. NCURA is awesome!
Giving Back I plan to support NCURA by my annual membership, and attending conferences. I also plan to volunteer my Time to help out!
Questions , or comments? THANK YOU!