H-1B America’s Promise Grantee Convening Day 1: November 14, 2017 H-1B Grants Performance Reporting Guidance H-1B America’s Promise Grantee Convening Day 1: November 14, 2017 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION Office of Workforce Investments, H-1B Funded Program
Moderator: Megan Baird H-1B Program Manager U.S. DOL/ETA Division of Strategic Investments Washington DC
Presenters: Ayreen Cadwallader Gregory Scheib Workforce Analyst U.S. DOL/ETA Division of Strategic Investments Washington DC U.S. DOL/ETA Division of Strategic Investments Washington DC
Objectives Interim reporting guidance for the quarter ending September 30, 2017 Submitting Performance Reports in WIPS the quarter ending December 31, 2017 Next Steps Action Items: November 2017 – February 2018
Before We Begin The data you provide: Informs technical assistance Provides an opportunity to pass on “lessons learned” Illustrates success to Department of Labor Secretary White House General public Informs the mission of DOL-ETA THANK YOU for doing your part to showcase the impact of the America’s Promise Grants!
Interim Performance Reporting Guidance: Quarter Ending Sept. 30, 2017 Quarterly Progress Reports are due TODAY! Quarterly Narrative Report (QNR) using the suggested H-1B Quarterly Narrative Report Template Submit QNRs: AmericasPromise@dol.gov Participant-level data will not be submitted in WIPS Next Steps Action Items Quarter Ending 9/30/17 Submit QNRs to DOL November – December 2017 Track and collect participant-level data Prepare for submitting data files in WIPS
Performance Reporting Guidance: Quarter: Dec. 31, 2017 Access to WIPS issued to the grant Authorized Representative. Submit participant-level data through a comma-separated values (csv) data file upload Technical Assistance Coming Soon!
WIPS Data Submission - ETA-9172 DOL PIRL for Winter 2017 - 2018 Quarter Ending December 31, 2017: Grantees will report against the ETA-9172 DOL PIRL. The participant-level csv data file will include 84 PIRL data elements. WIPS will conduct data validation checks to ensure that the data that you are submitting is in the right format and correct according to the edit check rules. Coming soon! Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) forms generated in WIPS
WIPS Data Submission - Amended ETA-9172 DOL PIRL for Fall 2018 Reduces PIRL data elements for grantee data collection and reporting from 109 data elements to 84 data elements Adds two new PIRL data elements: PIRL DE # Data Element Name PIRL 1813 Date Completed, During Program Participation, an Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary Credential or Employment (WIOA) PIRL 2126 Entered Training-Related Employment
WIPS Reporting System Timeline The WIOA ETA-9172 DOL PIRL is the current OMB- approved list of data elements for data collection. H-1B WIPS: Developed using the ETA-9172 DOL PIRL data elements approved in 2016 2016 WIPS Phase 1 WIOA PIRL OMB-Approved 2016 - 109 PIRL data elements selected for H-1B grants for data collection. - Grantees did not submit participant level data in WIPS in 2016. 2017 WIPS Phase 2 - 84 PIRL data elements selected for H-1B grants for data collection. - Grantees will submit data file with 84 PIRL data elements in WIPS starting December, 2017. Fall 2018 WIPS Phase 3 WIOA PIRL OMB-Approved 2017 - 86 PIRL data elements selected for H-1B grants for data collection. - Grantees will submit data file with 86 PIRL data elements in WIPS starting Fall 2018.
ETA-9172 DOL PIRL Data Elements The ETA-9172 DOL PIRL Data Elements for H-1B grants include the following sections: Participant Demographic Information Employment Status at Participation Program Services and Training Activities Training Program Outcomes Employment Outcomes WIOA Primary Indicators of Performance
WIOA Primary Indicators of Performance H-1B grantees are required to collect and report against: Credential Attainment Measurable Skill Gains H-1B Grantees collect SSNs so that DOL can collect and report against the following indicators: Employment Rate – 2nd Quarter After Exit Employment Rate – 4th Quarter After Exit Median Earnings – 2nd Quarter After Exit Effectiveness in Serving Employers in the 2nd and 4th Quarter After Exit
Summary of Performance Guidance: Quarter December 31, 2017 Submit data files that have the data elements identified in the ETA-9172 DOL PIRL for H-1B Grants (84 elements) A data file that includes the full WIOA PIRL (467 elements) cannot be submitted in WIPS The data file submitted must be cumulative grant-to-date. Grantees who are not yet serving participants will not upload a data file in WIPS. Quarterly Narrative Reports cannot be submitted via WIPS
Next Steps: Action Items for Performance November 2017 Continue collecting participant-level data using H-1B PIRL data elements Review Revised Performance Reporting Handbook, and TA materials including: Overview of H-1B PIRL Data Elements Data Validation Rules and Edit Checks Performance Toolkit and Tutorial Sample Data Files
Next Steps: Action Items for Performance December 2017 Align internal MIS systems to WIPS Export csv data file with 84 data elements Export participant-level data into a csv file Participate in WIPS User Acceptance Test Roll-0ut of WIPS User Access Issued to Grant Signatory/Authorized Representative
Next Steps: Action Items for Performance January 2017 Access WIPS Upload csv Files in WIPS Resolve Data File Errors Participate in Performance Reporting Webinar Participate in Performance Office Hours Submit csv file in WIPS
Next Steps: Action Items for Performance February 2017 Upload csv Files in WIPS Resolve Data File Errors Data Files Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) Form If QPRs are available in WIPS Review QPR Aggregation Rules Authorized Representative to Submit and Certify QPR Participate in Performance Office Hours
Next Steps: Performance Action Items November 2017 Collect H-1PIRL Data Elements Review Materials December 2017 Export Data Files Access WIPS January 2018 Upload Data Files in WIPS Validation Rules Resolve Data File Errors February 2018 Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) Form Aggregation Rules Submit and Certify QPR (if Available in WIPS)
Got Performance Questions. Write us at AmericasPromise@DOL Got Performance Questions? Write us at AmericasPromise@DOL.GOV with a cc to your FPO