Info-Point A Brief Introduction This presentation introduces Info-Point - a device to deliver your content to your visitor’s smartphones
...but how can their phone access your content? Mobile digital is here... 75% of adults use smartphones ...and 100% of young people ...but how can their phone access your content? Deloitte 2016 4 in 5 of UK adults use a smartphone (80%) Ofcom 2016 (August) Proportion of adults with a smartphone 71% V&A 2012 60% of visitors use their mobile device to enhance their visit BUT….how do you get content onto the visitor’s phone?
Connectivity at heritage sites is often poor Downloadable ‘visit apps’ have seen poor uptake. They are anyway built for specific current phones, so not universal or future-proof. Wi-Fi/broadband are often absent and carries some bandwidth cost, as well as security issues. Phone signals are often too weak to stream content. It may also incur cost by putting users over their monthly limit, or incurring international roaming costs.
Info-Point Creates a ‘private internet’ that any device can browse Needs no other infrastructure Compatible with all devices Future-proofed Secure Unobtrusive Exclusively on-site availability Can also drive touch-screen kiosks Capital cost only (HLF-friendly) Creates a ‘private internet’ that any device can browse Info-Point creates a ‘private internet’ with its own Wi-Fi connection. Whole thing comes in a box. It can be mains or solar-powered. The only thing it does not do is connect to the public internet. This means that visitors can only access the content that you put on it.
The Visitor Experience Let’s look at what the visitor sees...
Make the visitor aware You need to make the visitor aware of the Wi-Fi service as it is otherwise invisible. You can promote what the visitor will be able to see and do once connected.
Connection Step 1 Connect to ‘Info-Point’ Wi-Fi (Only ever needs to be done once) Connection is just the same as any public Wi-Fi. The phone will remember the Wi-Fi so this only ever needs to be done once. There are normally no passwords.
Connection Step 2 Point any browser at the web address to get to the home page The user opens their preferred browser and puts the address of the server - the browser may even go there automatically. The address (actually an IP address) is in this format so that users follow the instructions without shortcuts, and search apps don’t intervene.
Deliver any and every kind of web content Audio Video Downloads (trails, leaflets) Interactive apps Augmented Reality Location triggers... (...GPS, Beacons, NFC, QR Code) From then on its standard web browsing. It’s also standard web developement - any web developer can create web-based content and apps on Info-Point. If you don’t have web development skills then use the built-in Content Management System, which is just like uploading content to social media.
Info-Point Comprehensive information and pre-sales support is on our web site