Fund Raising Strategies and Planning We think…….. we want to apply for outside funding… now what and how?
Fund Raising Strategy is a long term plan of action to achieve a particular fundraising Goal Why Identify potential funding options: It is necessary to find out in advance what sources of funding are available, through governments, international cooperation agencies, some international NGOs or private foundations
6 simple steps of fundraising plan : Identify your assets Set your Goals Create plan of action Work the plan Monitor the plan Celebrate !
Potential sources of income Trusts/Foundations – capital and revenue Statutory – government, local authorities Companies – cash, sponsorship, in-kind, volunteering etc Events – cash, sponsorship Lottery – capital and revenue (can be restricted) Trading – shops, products, services Contracts - service level agreements etc Extras – matched giving Also - social investment, loan finance, bonds and INDIVIDUALS – a whole range of possibilities (focus for today)
Company giving Sponsorship Advertising Gifts in Kind Grants from Charitable Trusts Volunteers Secondments Cash Matched giving
Funding Short Term Long Term Intermediate
Start Putting it together ! Fundraising Targets Fundraising Strategies Action Plans
Example of Plan Strategy Description Target Audience Dolor/Euro /BDT Cost Who will do By when
Action Steps Action Step Who will do it ? When will it happen? What resources are needed ?
UN Donors The UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), The World Food Programme (WFP), The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), The FAO Global Information and Early Warning System , The World Health Organization (WHO),
Other useful sites Institute of Fundraising : (sustainable funding project) All guidelines are available on a dedicated website designed especially for humanitarian donors : -donors/ Institute of Fundraising : Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs CAF Charity Services
Donor Humanitarian aid contributions % as a share of global funding Funding for 2018 from top 10 donors globally : Donor Funding (US$) % as a share of global funding United States of America, Government . 2256824174 16.3% European Commission 2000223504 14.5% United Kingdom, Government . 1229517774 8.9% European Commission - EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey 852079025 6.2% Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of), Government . 771267224 5.6% Germany, Government . 753774546 5.4% United Arab Emirates, Government . 699602010 5.1% Canada, Government . 628587840 4.5% Sweden, Government . 545209099 3.9% Japan, Government . 376416643 2.7%
Funding progress on 2018 appeals
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