Scrum Again
What is Scrum Scrum is a method of organizing and managing projects It helps you break down tasks for the project and evenly distribute tasks among group members Serves as a visual guide for what everyone needs to work on Keeps you accountable Product Owner/Scrum Master/Team Members
Scrum Board To Do In Progress Validation Done
What you do: Using Post-It notes, assign tasks to group members and put them in the To-Do column. These tasks come from your wishlist When you begin working on a task, move it to the In Progress column Each team member should only have 1 task in the In Progress column at a time. Once you have finished the task, move it to Validation. A teammate (preferably the team Scrum Master) needs to check your work and make sure it is done correctly and the best it can be. If approved, move the post-it note to the Done column. If not approved, move it back to In Progress and fix your mistakes. Repeat steps 2-3 as necessary. Once you have finished one of your tasks, choose another one of your To Do tasks to begin. If you have no more tasks in To Do, check with other group members to see if they need help, or create new tasks based on what you have already done.
Practice Scrum Activity Essential Question - How can we determine the best Ford SUV to purchase that would have the least negative impact on our environment/ecosystem? Focus on: Ford SUV’s Amount of Emissions Gas mileage… ( how many miles per gallon does it average?) Average Raleigh/ Wake Forest commute? ( how many miles?, city traffic vs. rural )
Parameters The Product Owner (teacher) requires the following things: Must transport least 6 people comfortably Budget is $50,000 Get AT LEAST 16 mpg. All information should be put on a spreadsheet for comparison. All “stakeholders” will discuss the pros and cons and agree on which vehicle to buy… Highlight your final decision.
Wish List Begin by creating your wishlist. Take a few minutes to create a list of things you would LOVE to have in your new environmentally friendly SUV, even if some are crazy and unrealistic. Keep your ideas organized into your orginal categories.(Mileage, Ford SUV, Average commute, Emmissions)
Research ______________ Create Tasks Begin by circling the top 2 priorities in each category. Assign 2 priorities to each person on your team (6 for a group of 3, 8 for a group of 4, 10 for a group of 5) For each priority, create the following sticky notes: Research ______________ Research __________________
Begin Working Each team member should move their first post-it note to the “In Progress” column and begin completing that task. Follow through all the way until all post-it notes are in the “Done” column If something does not work (too expensive, changed your mind), you do not have to add it to your completed list
Final Spreadsheet and decision Ensure all items from the four focus areas are on your spreadsheet Draw a conclusion with your SCRUM team to go over each part of your spreadsheet and decide what you will buy. Highlight your choice. Once all group members have completed all tasks, the final thing to do is to work on the final spreadsheet. Assign tasks related to the spreadsheet to group members. They can include (but are not limited to):