The Principles of design Fashion strategies


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Presentation transcript:

The Principles of design Fashion strategies

The basic principles of design include: Proportion (Scale) Balance Emphasis Rhythm Harmony

Proportion (Scale)

proportion Proportion is the spatial, or size, relationship of all parts in a design to each other and to the whole. It is sometimes called scale. Determined by how the total design is divided and the inner lines arranged. Most pleasing when garment areas are divided unevenly and coordinate with the structure and proportion of the person wearing the outfit.

Examples of proportion Standards of proportion change with fashion cycles along with the evolution in silhouette and line. The length and size of design features like pockets, trimmings, or parts of garments within the silhouettes should compliment the whole.


balance Balance gives equilibrium to a design, with all sides appearing equal in weight or power of attraction. Formal (symmetrical) balance is the most common, with identical details arranged the same distance from the center. Informal balance is asymmetrical, with parts placed unequally from the center.

Examples of balance The design composition is same on both side of the garment, which is known as formal (symmetrical) balance. Informal (asymmetrical) balance, involves placement of objects in a way that will allow objects of varying visual weight to balance one another.

Emphasis The Focal Point of Fashion

emphasis A dominant focal point or center of interest in a garment or an outfit created by the use of line, shape, color, texture, and/or pattern. A point for the eye to rest on for a period of time. An outfit without a dominant point of interest appears uninteresting, boring, and unfinished.

Examples of emphasis Emphasis is up at the neckline, created by the light-colored shirt and bright necktie. Emphasis is seen at the design detail added to the front of the jacket, specifically the clasp in the center of the design.


rhythm Rhythm produces a feeling of continuity of movement through the lines and spaces of a design. The main ways to create it are by repetition, gradation, or radiation.

Examples of rhythm Rhythm is a sense of movement and is necessary to create interest in a design and carry out the central theme. Rhythm can be achieved by the repetition of lines, shapes and color to get direction.


harmony Harmony is pleasing visual unity of a design created by a tasteful relationship among all parts within the whole. Garments that have harmony are pleasing to the eye and suit the wearer. When a total design is good, the overall effect is harmonious.

Examples of harmony A successful design is achieved when all the elements and principles of design work together, creating harmony, as seen here.

Principles of design assignment Choose a picture from the magazines that demonstrates each principle of design (proportion, balance, emphasis, rhythm, and harmony). Attach it to the worksheet and write a paragraph below describing each principle of design.