PHED 1 Skill Acquisition Adam’s Closed Loop AS PE PHED 1 Skill Acquisition Adam’s Closed Loop
Cognitive Learning Theory These theories came out of direct criticisms with conditioning theories: Gestalt suggested that: Skills are best presented to the learner as a whole. Learners solve the problem by drawing on past experiences and by developing a perception of what is required to complete the task successfully Learners must be motivated and have a positive self image in order to reach a solution When a solution is reached, insight is developed, which leads to a permanent stage in learning. Can you identify any skills that would be ideal to be taught in this way?
Answer Swimming – leg action and arm action taught together so that the performer discovers the most effective stroke Why? This skill should not be taught in parts as it does not present all of the information necessary for the learner to develop total understanding or insight.
Cognitive learning theories For your exam you will need to know three cognitive learning theories: Adam’s closed loop theory Insight Learning Schema Theory
Adam’s Closed Loop Theory An early attempt to explain how we learn motor skills. Movement is started by a MEMORY TRACE. This is a memory of the movement stored in our LTM. Once started movement is controlled by the PERCEPTUAL TRACE. This perceptual trace is improved through a range of feedback both internal & external. The perceptual trace is our way of comparing. Is my movement correct? What should I be doing? What do I need to change? Learning becomes a process of eliminating errors.
Activity Ball in hoop blindfolded Partner to give you feedback – Successful? Length and Direction of Shot? Partner should not give feedback about what to do? Identify the memory trace and perceptual trace How were they used in the activity?
Closed Loop What I have learnt so m/m is better next time Detects errors Kinaethetic sense Auditory feedback Visual feedback Equilibrium etc Memory Trace Initiates the action of shooting Perceptual Mechanism Perceptual Trace controls the shot The action (Output)