Short info about “Open the windows” Based in Skopje, OtW is a Macedonian non-profit, non-government organization focusing on promoting assistive technology. service provider project-based organization “Giving people with disabilities access to IT, they will be able to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to integrate into their communities and participate in an e-society”
Challenges and difficulties in accessing computer or internet barriers to providing computer input, interpreting output, and reading supporting documentation. Hardware and software tools (known as adaptive or assistive technologies) have been developed to provide functional alternatives to these standard operations.
ASSISTIVE ICT Software and hardware that is adapted to each user’s needs, regardless of disability.
Assistive technology in education Student having fun and exercises her motor skills by using assistive devices. Primary school student writes her homework and prepares her projects .
Assistive technology in education Student prepares lessons for faculty.
Assistive technology + art + promotion An artist communicates with her friends and organizes promotions of her work.
E-inclusion = human right UN Convention Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities Article 9 > …..” To promote access for persons with disabilities to new information and communications technologies and systems, including the Internet”…. Article 21>…..” Providing information intended for the general public to persons with disabilities in accessible formats and technologies appropriate to different kinds of disabilities in a timely manner and without additional cost”……
As a service providers Offer support and consultancy to beneficiaries; Offer support and consultancy to parents, other professionals, teachers, employers, etc.; Share experience; Promote your work; Advocate with relevant institutions; Develop resource materials.
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