Registering County PAT & FACT Meetings For OSU Extension Educators
How to Register a Meeting in your County Online registration of your pesticide applicator trainings and fertilizer certification for private applicators in your county Upon registering with this system, your meeting will be publicized at & The Ohio Department of Agriculture will mail you the necessary codes and forms required for your meetings. Or Here! SB 1 included several items to address water quality: Dredging and disposal of dredged material in Lake Erie Additional restrictions for WWTP Restriction of application of agricultural nutrients (fertilizer and manure) Click Here!
Username=Your First Name Password=Your Last Name
Enter your county from drop down menu Contact info will auto fill with your info OR Click update to modify contact info Enter the class location from drop down menu, or select “new” and enter new location -not new, ODNR authority used in past
Enter meeting date and time Note: Each meeting must be entered individually. You must log out and log back in to enter your next meeting. Not WOTUS Not a new definition
Program Type Standard: 3 hour meeting Receive single code for all 3 hrs 1 hour fert recert optional (add at bottom under fertilizer session) Video: PAT and Fert recert make-ups Specialty: Core + category (less than 3 hrs) Receive individual codes for core and each category Can add additional cats, if standard is > 3 hrs 1 hr fert recert optional Fertilizer: Any fertilizer training -Statewide -Respond to complaints. not just about manure application, for dairies also silage leachate, milk house water, lot runoff, etc. - Not limited to dairies or even livestock, also erosion and silviculture
Forms Enter # of forms needed Same form for PAT and Fert Recertification 3 hour FACT Forms are separate FACT forms will be the same for those with and without a pesticide license Both forms will be sent based on number you indicate
Standard Session Must equal 3 credit hrs (won’t let you exceed 3) Additional categories should be entered here! 1 hr Fert optional, enter here Defined in code by watershed Almost 5 million acres (4,960,000) in 24 counties
Specialty, Video & Additional Session Programs less than 3 credit hrs enter here Additional categories exceeding the 3 hour standard and pesticide videos may be entered here!! 1 hr fert can be entered here All three restrictions that follow are from the NRCS 590 standard. What is snow-covered? Intent – address situation where melting snow would melt with manure and significantly increase the volume of potential polluted runoff 15.05 rule for distressed watershed >1” of snow If application melts snow, then it’s not snow-covered. What is frozen? Intent – address situation where infiltration would be slowed by frozen ground, leading to increased runoff If you can travel on top of wet/saturated soil, then it is frozen.
Must select Program Type: Fertilizer FACT Training (3 hour) Must select Program Type: Fertilizer Then select: 3-hour 1st time training What is saturated? –Field test – free water appears when soil is bounced, kneaded, or squeezed.
Stand-alone 1 hour Fertilizer Recert Must select Program Type: Fertilizer Then select: one hour fertilizer recertification or one hour video training
pested. osu. edu nutrienteducation. osu. edu Questions Questions? Contact Jenny Andon 614-247-7974 What source for prediction? How will this be enforced? Any source of weather prediction is acceptable. Applicator responsible for checking and keeping forecast before application. In case of complaint, DSWR can get forecast for the day of the application in the zip code from NOAA/NWS. If NOAA forecast shows >50% of ½” in 24h., then application is a violation of law, UNLESS the applicator can show another forecast.