College Smarter Not Harder. Hello Class. Welcome back! My name is __________, and I work for McGraw-Hill Education, and I’m very excited to be here. Your professor invited me to spend a few minutes talking a little bit about McGraw-Hill and Connect, and helping to ensure you know how to register for Connect – in fact, we’ll all register together while I’m here! Then I’ll make sure you know where to go if you need help, and I’ll share additional tools available to help you college smarter, not harder. Cerritos College | Accounting Courses
HOW CONNECT HELPS STUDENTS COLLEGE SMARTER Connect is your personalized digital learning assistant that makes acing exams, managing time, and getting work done easier — and more convenient — than ever. Empowers you to learn your way, anytime, anywhere — fully digital, personalized learning experience Improves grades and likelihood of passing vs. traditional textbooks Creates personalized study guides based on what you need to practice most Highlights most important parts of your reading Saves time and keeps you on track A show of hands, who here has used Connect in a previous class? (If hands raise, ask student(s) to describe in their words) You want to achieve the best grades possible with the limited time you have to study. McGraw-Hill Connect helps you do just that.
DON’T WAIT — ACTIVATE 11% average increase in student scores when you Connect day 01 versus day 14 of class. So, why should you register today? Our research shows that students who have access to their course materials on the first day of class perform better in their class. Students who have access to their course materials on the first day of class are likely to finish the course with an 11% higher score! So, let’s get that better grade! Let me show you how to get registered. The Impact of Connect on Student Success, McGraw-Hill Connect® Effectiveness Study 2016
Student registration steps STEP 1: Enter the Connect section address (URL) provided by your instructor. See link on website at Enter your email address to join the class. Click Begin.
Student registration steps STEP 2: If you do not have a Connect account, you will be prompted to create an account. We recommend using your school/institution email address when creating an account.
Student registration steps STEP 3: You have three registration options. REGISTRATION CODE: Enter Connect registration code (that came with your new textbook) and click Submit. OR PURCHASE the code ONLINE: (This is NOT ENCOURAGED as we will use the text every day.) Click on Buy Online to use a credit card or PayPal. OR Use the TEMPORARY ACCESS: Click on Start Courtesy Access for two weeks of course access.
Student registration steps STEP 4: You have successfully joined the class. Click GO TO CONNECT.
WE HAVE YOU COVERED. WHERE TO GO FOR HELP: TECH SUPPORT & FAQ: CALL: (800) 331-5094 EMAIL & CHAT: MONDAY-THURSDAY: 24 hours FRIDAY: 12 AM - 9 PM EST SATURDAY: 10 AM - 8 PM EST SUNDAY: 12 PM – 12 AM EST FIND MORE SUPPORT: FIND MORE TIPS: NOTE: If you contact your instructor with a technical question, you will be asked to provide a case number from tech support before your concern is escalated. OK, so we’ve all registered for Connect, and I’ve shown you a couple of quick things in your Connect course, now let’s talk about where to go for help if you need it. Should you have questions about anything of a technical nature once you are in Connect, you can contact our Customer Experience Group. They are available 24 hours a day Monday through Thursday, and they have extensive hours on the weekends as well. You can call, and or chat.
BACK-TO-SCHOOL CHECKLIST Follow these 3-steps, and you’ll master the art of College Smarter, Not Harder: REGISTER and log in to your Connect course Enter our #ShowUsYourActivation sweepstakes for a chance to win cash and other prizes at: Hear from students and earn their latest tricks to studying smarter, making the most of College, and Connect at: Follow these simple steps, and you are sure to master the art of College Smarter, Not Harder (distribute a back-to-school checklist to each student). Checklists are available for printing via NSS. If you haven’t already done so, register and log in to your Connect course Follow and post a selfie of your activated Connect course on McGraw-Hill’s Twitter or Instagram using the #showusyouractivation for a chance to win $100 gift cards and prizes using the URL shown. Learn the latest tricks to studying smarter, making the most of college, and with Connect by visiting QUESTIONS? We’ve discussed a lot today. What questions do you have for me? On behalf of my colleagues at McGraw-Hill Education, we want this to be your best term yet. We’ve put some great resources for you to take advantage of this term, check out the website shown on your screen.