Classroom Support - Supplemental request - Follow-up on 2017 funding Al Powell, csu classroom support March 7, 2017
Supplemental request, FY 2017 Sympodium Replacement: Sharp touch-screen monitors to replace failing Smart Sympodiums and update smart classrooms: 10 units, $7,000 Mounts for Sharp monitors: 10 units, $1,000 Labor: 10 hours, $750 ITEM TOTAL: $8,750
Supplemental Timeline All work can be completed in summer 2017. Monitors replace failing Smart Sympodiums (4 have failed this term)
Re-Allocation Request: FY 17 Funds Remaining allocated FY 17 funds: $61,416 Includes Engineering B101 (FY 17 allocation): $20,000 PROPOSED RE-ALLOCATION OF REMAINING FUNDS: Additional technology for B101: $15,000 4 flat screen monitors for interaction, lecture capture, wireless mic, speaker upgrade, touch screen Engineering 100 remodel: $23,097 Laser projector/lens, motorized screen, switcher upgrade, touch screen FY 17 funds to be returned to UTFAB: $3,319
Follow-up: New demonstration classroom In operation and ready for more faculty: Touch screen monitor Smartboard and Epson projector capture Echo360 recorder & Echo personal capture