Warm-up Questions What did Theodora do to save the Byzantine Empire? Who moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople?
The Byzantine Empire Chapter 11, Section 3 World History The Roman Empire The Byzantine Empire Chapter 11, Section 3 World History
Alabama Course of Study Standard Six: Trace the expansion of the Roman Republic and its transformation into an empire, including key geographic, political, and economic elements. Interpreting spatial distribution and patterns of the Roman Republic using geographic tools and technologies.
Today’s Learning Targets I be able to use academic vocabulary of this region and time appropriately. I will be able to locate key geographical features of the Roman Empire on a map. I will be able to describe the fall of the Roman Empire. I can describe the fall of the Roman Republic.
Warm-up Questions What did Theodora do to save the Byzantine Empire? She refused to leave and it forced her husband to stay and fight the revolt. Who moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople? Constantine
Key Terms Covered Roman Peace Pax Romana A raised channel used to carry water from mountains into cities aqueduct
Key Terms Covered A type of execution in which a person is nailed to a cross. crucifixion To rise from the dead Resurrection
Key Terms Covered 12 disciples whom Jesus chose to receive special training Apostles Prevention of wasting a valuable resource. Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense. efficient.
Key Terms Covered A religion based upon the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth Christianity “God’s anointed one” Messiah
Key Terms Covered Those languages that evolved from Latin: Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian Romance languages Legal system based on a written code of laws Civil law
Key Terms Covered The decay of people’s values corruption
Rhine River Atlantic Ocean Alps Caspian Sea Danube River Black Sea Pyrenees Corsica Adriatic Sea Balkan Peninsula Byzantium Sardinia Tyrrhenian Sea Sicily Ionian Sea Carthage Aegean Sea Cyprus Crete Mediterranean Sea Alexandria Tiber River Apennines Rome Red Sea Nile River Athens
Early Invasions The Goths, made up of ___ and ___ fled the ___ into Roman territory. Visigoths / Ostrogoths / Huns Romans paid the ___ not to attack Rome itself. A.D. 408 – Rome stopped paying them. A.D. 410 - ___ attacked and sacked Rome itself. Goths / Visigoths
The Fall of the West Goth victory inspires others: Vandals, ___, Saxons, ___, and Franks all attack ___. Angles / Jutes / Rome Roman Emperors were ___. Military leaders took ___. weak / power
The Fall of the West In 476 the last Roman Emperor was ___ and replaced by the conquering general as ___. overthrown / king This was the end of the ___ ___ ___ Western Roman Empire
Factors in Rome’s Fall Rome became too ___ to ___ effectively. big / govern Adoption of ___ undermined Roman ___. Christianity / culture
Factors in Rome’s Fall ___ weakened the government and it was no longer ___. Corruption / efficient Wealthy citizens created their own ___. Rome’s ___ declined. Taxes soared and the poor grew. armies / population
Today’s Learning Targets I can use academic vocabulary of this region and time appropriately. I can locate key geographical features of the Roman Empire on a map. I can describe the fall of the Roman Empire.