Social Justice Statement 2015-2016 FOR THOSE WHO’VE COME ACROSS THE SEAS JUSTICE FOR REFUGEES AND ASYLUM SEEKERS Image – © Australian Catholic Bishops Conference 2015. You may download, display, print or reproduce this material for personal or non-commercial use, as long as you acknowledge the copyright holders. All other rights to the material are retained by the original copyright holders. Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
Pope Francis’ first journey as Pope was to the island of Lampedusa – the closest land for those fleeing North Africa. Image - AAP AFP Photo / Marcello Paternostro
He dropped a wreath in the sea to honour those who had perished. Image –,
These brothers and sisters of ours were trying to escape difficult situations to find some serenity and peace. Image –
Has any one of us grieved for the death of these brothers and sisters? wept for these persons who were on the boat? Pope Francis Image - flickr Photo ‘it’s raining again’ by followtheseinstructions on flickr
This is the response of human beings This is the response of human beings. It is especially the response of those who profess to follow Jesus. Has it been the response of Australia – its people? - or its government? Image –
Today the panic and mistrust that is stirred up by this debate is out of all proportion to the scale of the issue in Australia. Source: Refugee Council of Australia Factsheet May 2012 Source: Refugee Council of Australia Factsheet May 2012
to the call of the asylum seeker Responding to the call of the asylum seeker Image –
In responding to these questions we are guided by Scripture and the social teaching of the Church. Image -
When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt. I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 19:33-34 Image –
Jesus embodies these values. In the New Testament Jesus embodies these values. Image - As an infant, he and his family were forced to flee their homeland and find refuge in Egypt.
solidarity and the common good The values Jesus lived are reflected in the core of the Church's social teaching: human dignity option for the poor solidarity and the common good Image –
human dignity All human beings are precious. We are sacred and deserve respect because we are human and loved by God. Image - flickr Photo ‘Group of friends’ by CeeKay’s Pix on Flickr
we harm innocent people by detaining them, pushing back their boats As a nation, we harm innocent people by detaining them, pushing back their boats and transferring them to impoverished nations. . Image - flickr Manus Island Detention Centre Photo ‘Manus Island Detention Centre’ by Sarah Hanson-Young on Flickr
We pretend that the pain and diminishment of one group of people, including children, is a justifiable price to pay for sending a message to others. Image - AAP EPA/Tolga Bozoglu
option for the poor Means that we care firstly for those who are poorest, those who are the most disadvantaged. Image –
solidarity and the common good Our neighbours are not things: they are people like us, who share a common humanity. This is why Catholic social teaching insists on the importance of the relationships that bind us to one another and to our world. Image –
GLOBAL Movement of people Asylum seekers who come to our shore are a fraction of the GLOBAL Movement of people Image - AAP AP Photo/UNRWA
UNHCR 2015 Global Trends – World at War
What is the true picture of peoples’ journeys? For many who are displaced there is no choice but to flee or perish. Image – What is the true picture of peoples’ journeys? Photo by Ryan McGuire on Gratisography
They flee from persecution and violence Image - flickr They flee from persecution and violence Photo ‘Skate and riots’ by Sergio on Flickr Photo ‘Fleeing Kosovo’ by Cliff on Flickr
They embark upon a dangerous journey "Refugees on a boat" by Unknown - Defense Visual Information Center (Photo ID: 050615-N-TW583- 001) Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons Image – flickr,, They embark upon a dangerous journey Photo ‘Fleeing Kibati’ by Julien Harneis on Flickr
They suffer prolonged detention onshore and offshore Image – AAP, wikipedia, They suffer prolonged detention onshore and offshore AAP Image/Scott Fisher By DIAC images [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Detention affects particularly vulnerable groups Image - AAP AP Photo/Cesare Abbate AAP Image/NEWZULU/Michael Debets
Many asylum seekers in the community experience poverty Photo ‘311’ by jamesmellor on Flickr Image - flickr Photo ‘Homeless’ by Jan Truter on Flickr Many asylum seekers in the community experience poverty
GLOBAL and regional We are called to a new response Image –
understand the issues better. As Christians, we can make sure that Australians understand the issues better. Image –
Quiet conversation and example are powerful tools for conversion. iStock photo © Svetlana Braun Photo: 34693448 iStock/Svetlana Braun
We can support the organisations that work to help asylum seekers Parish support groups Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office St Vincent de Paul Refugee Offices of Religious Orders Asylum Seeker centres Image – Migrant and Refugee Chaplains Jesuit Refugee Service Catholic Social Services … and many others.
We can make our parishes into welcoming places: creating social events, organising or joining support networks, introducing refugees and hearing their stories. Image - wikimedia "Harmony Day (5475651018)" by DIAC images - Harmony DayUploaded by russavia. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Politicians need to know what we feel about this issue. Image – flickr, Politicians need to know what we feel about this issue. Contacting senators and members does have an effect. Photo ‘For those who come across the seas - Refugee Action protest 27 July 2013 Melbourne’ by Takyer on Flickr
For those who’ve come across the seas Image -
We’ve boundless plains to share; With courage let us all combine To Advance Australia Fair. Image –
Jesus is coming tonight, he comes as a child, tender, innocent … Let us think about the children: the Child Jesus comes among us, it is the love and tenderness of God. May the Lord give us the grace to receive them with a lot of love. Pope Francis Image –
To read more about welcoming refugees, pick up a copy of the Social Justice Statement Image –
towards justice for refugees and asylum seekers Pick up the leaflet Ten Steps towards justice for refugees and asylum seekers …for practical suggestions Image –
Australian Catholic Social Justice Council Acknowledgements: Helen Kearins rsm Sarah MacRaild Image – Australian Catholic Social Justice Council