Battery power By:Christian Bryant Date : Nov-26-2013
Scientific Question Which batteries will last longest seconds per penny.
Background I chose experiment because i love playing xbox and i always find myself at a crucial moment and my controller dies. So I chose this experiment to see which batteries i should use in my controller. So this will not only be my project but will be something to help me in my everyday life.
Hypothesis If I test alkaline,duracell,energizer and heavy duty than alkaline will do the best.
Variables Independent: Battery brand Dependent: Times batteries lasted Constant: Bulb Clock type of batteries AA or AAA
Procedure 1.Gather materials 2.set clock to 12 o'clock 3.take a Battery and put it in to the clock 4.connect the wires from the clock to the flashlight 5.wait for battery to die and recorded the time on the clock 6. change to seconds and divide by pennies each battery cost 7. repeat steps 2-6 with every battery type
Data Battery cost # per pack cost each seconds seconds/penny Dollar General Heavy Duty 1 4 0.25 817 32.68 Eveready Gold Alkaline 2.25 0.56 7334 130.38 Energizer max 2.15 2 1.08 7957 74.02 Duracell coppertop 3.75 0.94 7537 80.39
Data 2 seconds 8000 7334 7957 7537 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 817 batteries HD GA EM DC s/p 140 130.38 120 100 80.39 80 74.02 60 40 32.68 20 batteries HD GA EM DC
Conclusion 1.Which battery will last longest seconds per penny. 2.I hooked a battery up to a clock and a flashlight and set the clock to 12 so when it died I could see how long it lasted. 3.energizer lasted longest but alkaline gold was better seconds per penny. 4.half and half alkaline did best on seconds per penny but did third on longest lasting. 5.I learned that some cheap batteries hold more energy than others i also learned a cool way to time the project. 6.The clock after a certain amount of time it would take 2 seconds to go one second. I would have used the high end batteries instead of the regular batteries.