Lecture Objectives: Finish with review of radiation Learn about External long wave radiation Soar radiation components
Radiative heat flux between two surfaces Simplified equation for non-closed envelope Exact equations for closed envelope ψi,j - Radiative heat exchange factor
From the previous class View (shape) factors http://www.me.utexas.edu/~howell/ For closed envelope – such as room
View factor relations F11=0, F12=1/2 F22=0, F12=F21 F31=1/3, F13=1/3 A1=A2=A3 A1
Boundary Conditions at External Surfaces
External Boundaries
Radiative heat exchange at external surfaces View (shape) factors for: 1) vertical surfaces: - to sky 1/2 to ground 1/2 2) horizontal surfaces: - to sky 1 - to ground 0 3) Tilted surfaces - to sky (1+cosb)/2 - to ground (1-cosb)/2 surface b ground General equations:
Ground and sky temperatures Swinbank (1963, Cole 1976) model Cloudiness CC [0-1] 0 – for clear sky , 1 for totally cloud sky Air temperature Tair [K] Tsky4 = 9. 365574 · 10−6(1 − CC) Tair6+ Tair4CC·eclouds Emissivity of clouds: eclouds = (1 − 0.84·CC)(0.527 + 0.161*exp[8.45·(1 − 273/ Tair)]) + 0.84CC For modeled T sky the esky =1 (Modeled T sky is for black body)
Ground and sky temperatures Berdahl and Martin (1984) model - Cloudiness CC [0-1] 0 – for clear sky , 1 for totally cloud sky Air temperature Tair [K] Dew point temperature Tdp [C] !!! Tclear_sky = Tair (eClear0.25) eClear = 0.711 + 0.56(Tdp/100) + 0.73 (Tdp/100)2 - emissivity of clear sky Ca = 1.00 +0.0224*CC + 0.0035*CC2 + 0.00028*CC3 – effect of cloudiness Tsky = (Ca)0.25 * Tclear_sky esky =1
Ground and sky temperatures For ground temperature: - We often assume: Tground=Tair
Solar radiation Direct Diffuse Reflected (diffuse)
Solar Angles qz - Solar altitude - Angle of incidence - Azimuth b - Inclination
Direct and Diffuse Components of Solar Radiation
Solar components Global horizontal radiation IGHR Direct normal radiation IDNR Direct component of solar radiation on considered surface: Diffuse components of solar radiation on considered surface: qz Total diffuse solar radiation on considered surface: