WCRP Data Advisory Council July 2-3, 2015 Overview
WCRP Data Advisory Council (WDAC) Mission act as a single entry point for all WCRP data, information, and observation activities with its sister programmes, coordinate their high-level aspects across the WCRP, ensure cooperation with main WCRP partners such as GCOS, CEOS, CGMS and other observing programmes WDAC works with the WCRP Modeling Advisory Council to promote effective use of observations with models and to address issues related to the coordinated development of data assimilation, reanalysis, Observing System Sampling Experiments, fluxes and paleoclimatic data and their assessments (metrics, etc.).
WDAC4 Thank you for participating in WDAC4 Special thanks to ECMWF for hosting this meeting and to Jean-Noël Thépaut and his staff for local preparations Our agenda is very, very full, so please respect the time limits
WDAC4 Overview Copernicus CDS Workshop JSC36 actions – Response / Actions WCRP – GCOS cooperation Dataset quality assessment best practices/guidelines – GEWEX draft report review and discussion - Action obs4MIPs – review of current status and new dataset inclusion ana4MIPs – limit to quantities used for model evaluation Reanalysis Task Team – TIRA white paper, CREATE-IP, S-RIP – Action Earth System reanalysis proposed activity Surface Flux Task Team Formation – ToR, members, etc. discussion – Action ECV Inventory – Status update WCRP-GCOS – Data Prize
Agenda Approval
WDAC3 Recs/Actions [1] WDAC3 Outcomes Galway May 6-7, 2014 FLUXES 1. Development of ToR and membership of a Flux Task Team to address (Clayson - lead, Mathieu, Ward, Schulz, Gleckler)* WEB 2. Add link to WG Climate (www.ceos.org) on WDAC page (Rixen)* 3. Update ToRs to reflect WG Climate (Rixen)* GEO 4. Register ESGF/COG as GEO resource (Rixen, Gleckler)* * completed
WDAC3 Recs/Actions [2] WDAC3 Outcomes Galway May 6-7, 2014 REANALYSIS 5. Check hosting Reanalysis.org web page (Rixen, Bosilovich, Compo)* 6. Circulate CORE-CLIMAX draft report to WDAC when ready (Thépaut/Poli)* 7. Draft white/concept paper on a RIP, S-RIP+CORE-CLIMAX effort as a potential basis (Bosilovich, mid-summer)* 8. WDAC4 to consider a focused reanalysis session (co-chairs)* 9. Check BADC format of S-RIP (Sato, Gleckler)* 10. S-RIP to liaise with ana4mips and forward WDAC3 relevant obs4MIPs and ana4MIPS briefs (Sato/SPARC, Gleckler, Bosilovich)* 11. Forward any support requirement for “Input obs for reanalysis workshop (2015)” to WCRP (Thépaut)* 12. Start planning 5th International Reanalysis Conference (Bosilovich, Thépaut/ Poli, Rixen) * completed
WDAC3 Recs/Actions [3] WDAC3 Outcomes Galway May 6-7, 2014 ASSESSMENTS 13. Best practice report: include obs4mips section (Gleckler, Schulz)*, review (WDAC), circulate to core projects and GCOS panels for final approval (Rixen) OPEN ACCESS AND DOI 14. Open access and DOI (Rixen to draft text for WDAC report to JSC35)* AOB 15. Contact OOPC regarding rationale and need to highlight resource needs for TAO array, ARGO and TPOS2020 recommendations (Rixen, Husband)* * completed
JSC36 Actions WDAC3 Outcomes Galway May 6-7, 2014 23 7.3 WDAC Make data issues more prominent within WCRP Develop ideas and plans for a data prize Work with GCOS to expand ECVs in useful directions Establish a WCRP-wide open data policy Refine and clarify the earth system reanalysis concept WDAC, with JPS and GCOS Summer 2015
Actions for your consideration We will put together a summary of actions for your input and approval tomorrow Expect this as the last item on our agenda