Discovery: architecture #1 Ask the customer to draw his system on the white board. Every customer will say that their system is special, but 99.9% of customers will draw this picture: PC Controller Router Gateway Controller Router Gateway Controller Router Gateway Devices
Discovery: architecture #1 Sometimes the customer will draw it this way Controller Router Gateway Devices PC Controller Router Gateway Controller Router Gateway
Discovery: architecture #1 Here is how our solution maps Ethernet Segment HMI or LonMaker PC i.LON LonWorks Device Native LonWorks Segment
Discovery: architecture #1 Here is how our solution maps i.LON LonWorks Device Ethernet Segment Native LonWorks Segment HMI or LonMaker PC
Discovery: architecture #2 Customers with small, single channel networks will draw a variation that looks like this: PC Controller Router Gateway Devices
Discovery: architecture #2 Here is how our solution maps Ethernet Segment HMI or LonMaker PC i.LON LonWorks Device Native LonWorks Segment
i.LON Selection Once you know the basic architecture discover…. Does you need a router or gateway? Understand this distinction !!!! Do you need peer-2-peer binds? Does your system have a PC connected? Will that PC be running LNS? Will you be polling or binding? What are your performance requirements? Do you need web access? Do you need SOAP access? Do you need to translate LONWORKS network variables to XML? Do you need to allow simultaneous access to multiple PCs? What is the total size of your network? Which enterprise systems will you connect to? What are your power supply / mounting restrictions? Do you need scheduling, alarming & data logging applications? Do you need pulse inputs or general purpose inputs? Do you need relay outputs? Do you have broadband access? If not, what are the modem characteristics?
Possible Architectures
The Full Monty Enterprise System TCP/IP Remote LNS client Ethernet SOAP/XML FTT FTT FTT HTTP
Cisco IP infrastructure The Full Monty Cisco IP infrastructure TCP/IP distributed Control System Remote LNS client Cisco switch Cisco switch Enterprise System Cisco switch Cisco switch Ethernet Ethernet i.Lon router i.Lon router i.Lon router FTT FTT FTT SOAP/XML 7970 IP Phone HTTP i.Lon Internet Server