Social Class In the Cone Gatherers By Alex and Jake
The Cone Gatherers Calum and Neil live in a small hut Lady Runcie-Campbell big house Deer drive Roderick stands up Car Beach hut LRC decides to send brothers away Expects brothers to come and help
The Brothers Hut “Tiny hut” “Box fit for monkeys” “Hardly bigger than a rabbit hutch” “‘A house with fifty rooms,’ went on Neil ‘every one of them three times the size of our own hut’” Given bad place to live despite better available options
The Big House “Mansion” “The great house” “Fifty rooms”
Deer Drive “He owes you something. He’s earning a living in your woods” “They’ll just have to come” “You have my and Mr Tullochs authority” “I want you to remove these two men from the woods”
Roderick Fighting Back “But that’s not fair, mother. You said yourself he didn’t want to take part in the deer drive” “‘You told me yourself,’ he muttered intensely , ‘never to be quiet if I saw injustice being done’”
Car at Lendrick “Why don’t we offer them a lift” “We’ve got plenty of room” “We’ve carried dogs in the car” “Human beings are more important than dogs”
Beach hut “But we’re not allowed” “We’ll do no harm. We’ll leave the place as we found it” “What is the meaning of this” “For God’s sake, get out”
Brothers sent away “I’ve made up my mind what to do about those two men,” “Your men will have to go,”
Asks Brother for help “Go there as fast as you can, and fetch the men from Ardmore.” “The boy’s got himself stuck at the top of a big silver fur tree, and you’ve to go fetch him down.” “We will not go” “I’m going to fetch the cone gatherers myself” “Help him, Baird”
Thank You for Listening