Wreck Diving
Down Lines and Surface Support The Buddy System Navigating a Wreck Topics in this chapter Down Lines and Surface Support The Buddy System Navigating a Wreck Disorientation Additional Equipment for Wreck Diving Charting or Mapping a Wreck Scuba I.Q Review
Down Lines and Surface Support Boats will tie to a wreck by either the permanent mooring or grappling to the wreck. When a current exists a tag line off the stern of the boat and a granny line from the stern to the mooring line are set. Due to possible currents all divers should carry an audible signal device.
The Buddy System When visibility is bad work out system to stay in contact. If possible swim side-by-side. If swimming single file leader should periodically look back.
Navigating a Wreck Compasses may not work accurately around a wreck. Using a reel to navigate helps. Make sure to keep line tight. May have to reposition line to swim around the entire wreck. Investigate wreck information and navigate from that information.
Disorientation Wrecks can be disorienting due to their position on the bottom. Limited visibility can cause disorientation. Use of a reel can help minimize disorientation.
Additional Equipment for Wreck Diving Dive lights bring out color underwater. Lights come in various sizes, shapes and brightness. Divers should carry a cutting device when around wrecks to deal with possible entanglement. Wreck divers carry a second cutting device such as a pair of EMS shears.
Charting or Mapping a Wreck Dive slates and underwater notebooks beneficial in mapping a wreck. Use the reel to measure with.
Scuba I.Q. Review
Scuba I.Q. Review Wreck penetration is allowed in this course. False
Scuba I.Q. Review 2. What are the different types of special equipment every diver should carry while wreck diving? Dive knife Dive light
Scuba I.Q. Review There are two general categories of wrecks; what are they? Intentional Casualties
Scuba I.Q. Review 4. Divers should not let go of the descent line while traveling to and from the wreck. False
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