The world is made up of an enormous diversity of people, and being respectful of those differences is important for getting on with others throughout your life. Sometimes we are uncomfortable with people who are different from us. Sometimes this can lead to bullying. Sometimes we copy the way people in our family or the community think about and behave toward others without thinking about why. People who stand out as different are more likely to be bullied. Learning about how people who are different from you see the world helps you behave respectfully.
Are you bullying someone? Statistically speaking, those who experience bullying are likely to go on and bully other people. The very best way to overcome bullying once and for all is to understand those who bully and the reasons behind why they do it. By showing compassion towards those who bully, no matter how hard that might seem at the time, we can truly overcome bullying.
Those who bully are far more likely to have experienced a stressful or traumatic situation in the past 5 years and are more likely to use bullying as a coping mechanism as a way of dealing with stress. People who bully are entitled to help and support as much as those on the receiving end of it.
Cyberbullying The word cyberbullying didn’t exist a decade ago, yet the problem is pervasive today thanks to the use of social media websites like, Twitter, and Facebook. Cyberbullying is the repeated use of technology to harass, humiliate or threaten. Mobile phones may be the most abused medium. Bullies send threatening or harassing text messages, often involving sex, sexual orientation, or race.
Email, websites, and screen names in chat rooms are masks for electronic bullies, who can attack without warning and with alarming persistence. Several examples of cyberbullying include: • Taking humiliating pictures of another student and sharing them with others. • Verbally abusing another student through texting. • Spreading rumors about a student on Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace. • Sending emails or instant messages to their victims.
Banter or bullying? Banter can be described as playful teasing between friends, usually an equal and generally funny exchange. Whether its at school, at home between siblings or in the locker room, there will always be comments thrown around in jest.
How to make sure you are not bullying by mistake 1. Keep it clean Know your limits, don’t laugh at someone’s appearance, their race, sexuality or disability.
2. If it isn’t funny, don’t laugh If you have to fake a laugh to brush off a hurtful comment, you’re only encouraging more comments. If it goes too far, let them know. 3. Don’t stand by and let it happen if someone is clearly not having fun try not to be a bystander, if someone else is clearly not enjoying a bit of a banter, then don’t be afraid to point it out. Often the person saying the hurtful comments will stop when they realise that they don’t have an audience.
5.Saying ‘it’s just banter’ or ending your sentence with ‘it's a joke’ doesn’t unsay a hurtful comment just because you say it’s banter, doesn’t mean it is. Think before you speak and ask yourself, would I find this funny if the tables were turned? Remember that you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. 4. Don’t pick on something you know someone is already insecure about – it’s cheap! Never pick up on a feature that you know is a sensitive subject for someone. Laughing at someone’s appearance when you know they’re self-conscious is a low blow – talk about kicking someone when they’re down!
Admitting to bullying or other inappropriate behaviour is a big thing. Taking responsibility for what you've done is the most important first step that you need to take: accept that others don't like the way you behave think about how you have not followed the rules about respect and behaviour; think about why the school has those rules and talk to others about them 'suck it up' and accept any consequences you have been given by the school and/or your parents get ready to work with your school and/or parents to work things out.
Project made by: Rusu Ioana-Veronica Ioniță Andreea Gheorghe Munteanu Murgoci High School