Project Acronym - SafeSchool SafeSchool - Promoting students’ engagement in the prevention of bullying in schools 2017-2019 Project Acronym - SafeSchool
Project Total Duration (Months) - 24 months Project Start Date - 01-09-2017 Project End Date - 31-08-2019
PARTNERS Coordinator - Fundatia IKAROS (ROMANIA) Partners: CONFEDERACION ESPANOLA DE CENTROS DE ENSENANZA ASOCIACION C.E.C.E. (SPAIN) MENTORTEC SERVICOS DE APOIO A PROJECTOS TECNOLOGICOS SA (PORTUGAL) E.RI.FO.-ENTE DI RICERCA E FORMAZIONE (ITALY) NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL BUEN CONSEJO SCHOOL (SPAIN) SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR. 79 (ROMANIA) Partners are involved in different and complementary fields of education, teaching and training - high tertiary school, VET education, business company and non profit organisations (NPOs), schools.
Description of the Project Bullying - one of the major factors leading to under achievement, non attendance and drop out by children & young people in school (2012 UNICEF). Partners’ needs analysis made in the preparation phase of the project shows that all 4 partner countries face serious challenges when it comes to bullying in school and its first of all. Immediate consequences: low performance in school lack of attention lack of self-esteem peers who are bullied tend to do the same to other school drop-out especially in rural areas, isolation and a feeling of being excluded from groups and from the school community self-harming and even suicide. The project will have concrete opportunities for trans-national, interdisciplinary, trans-sectoral benefits as well as transfer of knowledge and experience over the 6 partners and other beneficiaries of the projects. Project outputs will have the potential to be available in every partner country and language and in English (IO1, IO2, IO3).
TANGIBLE RESULTS Int. Outputs O1 – Best practices compendium & OER pack developed - 4 national reports on bullying best practices elaborated - An auxiliary curricula developed - An in-depth study on good practices - A 4 min video about bullying realized - E-Book with methodologies to be applied by teacher, parents, students will be realized O2 – Training program content & design created - Online training course developed including SEL, lessons & plans, strategies to transform the school environment, parents involvement strategy, groups of support in school - Workshops content created O3 – Bullying multimedia support kit created - Animations/cartoons, videos, webinars
INTANGIBLE RESULTS 1) Knowledge & experience gained by staff in implementing EU projects and in dealing with the bullying phenomenon, an increased motivation and satisfaction in doing their work; 2) Increased knowledge & capacity of participants in handling bullying (220 teachers develop strategies for own schools, 100 students are involved in workshops about peer supporting). Participants have access to an innovative & complex resource pack for learning & implementing anti-bullying strategies. 3) Associated partners internalize pedagogical tools & strategies in working with bullying & apply them in own work & institutions. 4) 2180 relevant actors are more aware about bullying & methods to stand against due to social media actions, multiplier events, disemmination.
Participants involved in the project About 2000 people will benefit by the projects’ activities and outputs and will actively participate in certain activities as described below. The profile of the 2000 persons consist of: - Experts in education: teachers, educators, school counselors, school mediators - Experts in child protection, social assistance and child rights: psychologists, psychoterapists, social workers etc. - Representatives of local/regional/national authorities (School Inspectorates, Ministry of Education, City Hall – Division of Social Policies and Social Protection, „Casa Corpului Didactic” – „House for Teacher Body” etc.) - Parents associations - Representatives and experts from NGOs working in the field of youth, education, child social protection, trainning providers on bullying - Pupils - Representatives of media
Responsabilitie of the associated partners - To inform (via email, round tables, other meetings) entire network of partners about the project and its intellectual outputs, results, events of multiplication; - To disseminate newsletters, articles, social media posts to these partners and through own social media profile (linkedin, Facebook, Twitter); - To use projects’ outputs in own structures; - To propose projects’ outputs and the auxilliar curricula on bullying to Ministry of Education to be used at national level, but also to School Inspectorates and to a large number of schools; - To organize at least one round table of discussions or presentation about project outputs with the occasion of „Global Action Week for Education” (in April) or „World Teachers’ Day (5th of October) with the participation of at least 30 people; - To support projects’ partners in organizing simultaneously an awareness online campaign against bullying and in organizing one public event/partner with the occasion of „International Youth Day” (12 August) or „Global Day of Parents and Children” (1st of June) or „International Day to Stand Up Bullying” (November). At the public event several workshops and coaching sessions will be organized for about 40 pupils and parents.
Dissemination methods - Articles and news disseminated through social media; - Articles published on an international online blog about school violence and aggression among young people. (This blog will be created during project, will be managed by Fundatia Ikaros and will continue to exist after the finalization of the project. All partners and associated partners will contribute to the content creation (at least 4 articles per year will be published during project implementation – 1 per country). Contribution to this blog will bring also some of the 2000 people – beneficiaries of the project; - Dissemination realized with the help of media (at least 3 newsletters sent by each country and 1 interview given or article published in a publication with national circulation per country); - Participation to final conference of the project.
PROJECT ACTIVITIES A0 - Project management and implementation - 3 transnational project meetings held in Italy, Portugal and Romania during project implementation - monthly partners meetings via Skype to monitor project progress - every 6 months Steering Committee meetings via Skype - reporting activities IO1 - Best Practices Compendium and Open Resource Pack IO2 - Training content development IO3 - Multimedia kit C1 - 3 day Short Term Joint Staff mobility held in Romania C2 - 5 day Blended mobility of school learners held in Spain C3 - 5 day Blended mobility of school learners held in Italy 4 multiplier events: E1 (S), E2 (IT), E3,(PT), E4 (RO)
SafeSchool project’ impact Learners: - raising the awareness of the bullying phenomena Staff: - acquisition the knowledge and skills to use curriculum approaches that prevent violence and to respond to incidents of school violence and bullying. Whole organisation: - providing accessible, child-sensitive, confidential reporting mechanisms; - making available counseling and support. Local Community: protecting children and young people from violence and providing safe and inclusive learning environments for all pupils. In addition, violence-free schools can also promote non-violence in the wider community. Wider School Network: - creating safe and inclusive learning virtual environments; - strenghtening school management; - developing and enforcing school policies and codes of conduct.