What can we learn about Italy?
Can we find Italy on the map? How could we get there?
Here is the Italian flag.
What is the name of the capital city? How many airports are there in Italy?
This is Rome. It is the capital city of Italy This is Rome. It is the capital city of Italy. The round building is called the Colosseum.
These are famous buildings that you will see in Rome.
This is the Colosseum. It is the most famous landmark in Rome.
The Vatican is a famous place in Rome because the Pope lives and works here.
Inside the Vatican is the Sistine Chapel Inside the Vatican is the Sistine Chapel. It is famous for its paintings.
Italy have a good football team.
Italy has many olive groves where they grow olives. They use the olives to eat, or to make olive oil.
From Italy we also get pizza, pasta, cheese and wine. Yum!
Have you been on holiday to Italy. Lots of people go there on holiday Have you been on holiday to Italy? Lots of people go there on holiday. There are lots of interesting places to visit.
Italy is famous for its pasta, cheese, cars and buildings.
What have you learned about Italy?