Notify Me Problem to be addressed To use user’s current location and compute time to reach the destination mentioned in the calendar. Notify the user for the time to leave depending on the user’s mode of transport, current location and event location. Help user navigate to the destination through Google maps.
Screenshots of existing system One Bus Away Rider TransLoc
Screenshots of our system
User Study Conditions 30 participants were involved in the final study Each participant was given the app for 7-14 days to use. Participants were asked to give feedback.
Results and analysis a= our solution, b= existing solution Primary hypothesis(recommendation over existing solutions) (Scale of 10) Mean(a) = 8.533 Mean(b) = 7.6 Standard deviation(a) = 1.074 Standard deviation(b) = 1.610 P-value = 0.016323 Secondary hypothesis(ease of use) (Scale of 5) Mean(a)=4.25 Mean(b)=3.23 Standard deviation(a) = 0.62 Standard deviation(b) = 0.72 P-value : 0.045
Conclusions Results after rejecting null hypothesis: Users will recommend our application to their friends equally or higher than the existing solution. Users found our application easier to use compared to the existing solution. Most liked features: Notification Getting exact time to leave Suggested improvements: light color theme for interface.