Lost City DAY 3
What surprises can happen on an expedition?
Amazing word: culture
Which vocabulary word fits in the following sentences…
Archeologists have curiosity about people who lived long ago.
They had to cut their way through jungles with thickets full of dangerous animals.
Professor Bingham discovered the lost ruins of Machu Picchu.
What looks like rocks to us might be a glorious sight to a scientist.
The terraced fields on the side of the mountain were for growing crops.
Granite cliffs rose thousands of feet above the river.
They had to cross mountain rivers that fall in a raging torrent.
Comprehension skill- Comparing and Contrasting: A Comparison tells how two or more things are alike. A Contrast tells how they are different Clue words such as like, same or as show similarities. Clue words such as but, different, or unlike show differences.