Dr. Bari Brookins Academic Success Center October 2017 So they told me that Engineering would be a good choice of major for me and I believed them…What was I thinking? Director Dr. Bari Brookins Academic Success Center October 2017
What are the three biggest challenges you are facing/have faced this semester? How have you dealt with those challenges? Try anything that didn’t work? What have you learned from this? Question:
Have you said to yourself…. Back in high school, I never had to study! _________ used to be easy for me. I used to be good at _____, but not anymore! I’m smart; I shouldn’t have to work this hard. This isn’t fair! Have you said to yourself….
How do you view “intelligence?” Decide whether you mostly agree or mostly disagree with each statement: Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you can’t change very much. You can learn new things, but you can’t really change how intelligent you are. No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it quite a bit. You can always substantially change how intelligent you are. How do you view “intelligence?”
Fixed or Growth: What’s your mindset? What's a mindset? Fixed or Growth: What’s your mindset?
College is hard… re·sil·ience [rəˈzilyəns] NOUN The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness: The ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity: Is resilience enough? https://www.bing.com/search?q=resilience+define&form=PRUSEN&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=90b04b39105b417384667ad85047e02f&sp=1&ghc=1&filters=ufn%3A%22resilience+define%22+sid%3A%2290fd6bc8-6d17-1de8-c079- 6b2eb8315d35%22&qs=MB&pq=resilience&sc=8-10&cvid=90b04b39105b417384667ad85047e02f College is hard…
But I've never had to work this hard before.....
Ask yourself…. Where was I headed? How did I get here? Where do I want to go? How do I get there? Ask yourself….
Getting Organized Helpful Tips: Create realistic lists Break down larger assignments into smaller tasks Prioritize Reward yourself Find what works best for you and stick with it! Monthly calendar Weekly planner Weekly to-do list Daily to-do list
Plan your learning How long am I going to study? What am I going to study? How am I going to study? When will I know that I’m “done?” Plan your learning
What is active studying? Active Learning: Create something with your notes! Lecture based classes Create mind-maps of the material after each lecture Create a chart of similar topics Create notecards that go beyond terms and definitions Problems based classes Use T-notes to work through each step of each type of problem Create note cards of rules, theories, steps, etc. Re-work problems and color code steps you typically get stuck on
How do you know you studied correctly? 3 Guiding Questions: Did I learn something? What did I learn? Did I learn it right? How do you know you studied correctly?
Self-Testing Use materials provided- study guides, sample exams Predict possible exam questions Mimic an exam environment Self-reflection Did I have enough time? What content still needs more work? Self-Testing
The ASC Is Here To Help!
Offerings…. Classes Workshops Academic Coaching Supplemental Instruction (SI) TutorHUB Transfer Student Programs Texas Success Initiative (TSI) StudyHUB
Workshops 3-week: Commit to Success Topical Workshops: Starting Off Right I’m Late, I’m Late, I’m Always, Always Late Do or Die: Test Preparation Why Do I Have to Write that Down? My Heart is Racing and My Mind is Blank Memory Matters Do I Have to Buy the Book Workshops
Academic Coaching One-on-One Individualized Not to be confused with: Academic Advisors Counselors Tutors Academic Coaching
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Peer facilitated learning SI leaders attend class 3 free 50 minute regularly scheduled sessions per week for selected core- curriculum courses What to learn & how to learn it Improves students’ academic performance and increases retention Supplemental Instruction (SI)
TutorHUB Free drop-in tutoring Tutor Zones in multiple locations on campus Sunday-Thursday, 5 pm – 9 pm Times and subjects vary by location TutorHUB
Transfer Student Programs Support transfer success at TAMU Activities, resources, and ways to engage within the university Create social experiences to get to know other students, especially other transfer students Dedicated Peer Mentors Transfer Student Programs
Because no body explains it better than Hollywood....
Questions? Ask now…or later! Location: Rudder Tower, 9th floor Phone: (979) 458-4900 Email: successcenter@tamu.edu Web: successcenter.tamu.edu