Click to add title Planning for LSST Verification George Angeli LSST All Hands Meeting Tucson August 15, 2016
Overview Metrics Atmosphere “Long poles” in the budget Current estimates M1M3 fabrication Dome seeing Summary
Requirement Validation System requirements validation Did we specify the right system? Assuming the system meets its requirements, can we do the envisioned science with it? Requirements flow down (subsystem requirements validation) Did we specify the right subsystems? Assuming each subsystem meets its requirements, will the entire system meet the top level requirements? History by now: Demonstrated at FDR
System Verification against Requirements Subsystem design and construction verification Did we design and build the subsystems right? Do the subsystems meet their requirements? System design and construction verification Did we design and integrate the system right? Does the system meet its requirements? Inspection, demonstration, analysis, test during Subsystem Integration and Test System Commissioning Verify as early as possible!
Phase III of Commissioning System Validation Science validation Did we build the right system? Can the observatory deliver the science expected? Demonstrate that LSST is capable of providing the science it is meant to Full validation requires full survey (10 years of operations) Science Commissioning (2nd year of Commissioning) Verify single visit SRD requirements Verify full survey SRD image stacking performance (depth and PSF shape) using limited number of objects Verify full survey SRD area coverage by time-proportional area coverage Demonstrate that LSST is ready for self-directed operations through an autonomous mini-survey (30 days) Phase III of Commissioning
System Verification Process (LSE-160) Detailed Verification Plan (Matrix), including (for each requirement) Verification Owner (Responsible Technical Authority) Verification Method(s) - test, analysis, inspection, demonstration Verification Level - same level, higher level, lower level Verification Requirement - what will be done, where it will be done, what equipment and project hardware/software is needed Success Criteria - explicit pass/fail criteria This Fall Including equipment and software Commissioning Reviews PDR in early 2017 FDR in early 2019
Verification Primary Responsibilities Science Requirements Document (LPM-17) LSST System Requirements (LSE-29) Project Systems Engineering (PSE) Obs. System Specifications (LSE-30) Observatory Control System (LSE-62) Telescope & Site (LSE-60) Camera (LSE-59) Data Management (LSE-61) EPO (LSE-89) Subsystem Systems Engineering with PSE assistance System Interfaces
Verification Development Sequence Develop/finalize tools for verification planning SysML templates and add-ons August 31, 2016 Define the distribution of verification tasks between system and subsystem levels – enable subsystem teams to proceed on their own Verification methods and owners for design and interface requirements Proposal for database use October 10, 2016 Develop bottom-up verification information flows and activity diagrams SysML interdependency and sequencing charts November 4, 2016 Fold verification information into commissioning plan Staffing, cost, and schedule in PMCS November 18, 2016 Subsystem I&T reviews Telescope & DM November 18, 2016 Preliminary Commissioning Review Preliminary Verification Plans January 31, 2017
Detailed Verification Planning Planning for LSST Verification Commissioning Review Preparation Milestone
Verification Workshop in Tucson Week of October 10 Finalize system level Verification Matrices – gateway to system level detailed commissioning planning Input to grouping into Verification Events Input to sequencing these events Review status of subsystem Verification Matrices – gateway to subsystem detailed planning for I&T reviews Subsystem requirements document Subsystem interfaces Intra-subsystem verification matrices
Subsystem I&T Reviews Weeks of November 7 & 14 Charge Integration & Test Plan, advised by Verification Matrix Verification methods, owner, level, requirements, success criteria Activities, events, and their sequence Integration and test schedule, interfaces and interdependencies Integration and test equipment and software definition and design Organization structure for I&T Schedule and budget for I&T Safety (hazards) analysis Technical and programmatic risks
Pathfinder for Compliance Confluence page (part of System Verification & Compliance) Compliance evaluation for the Key Performance Metrics Single visit image quality, ellipticity, throughput, limiting depth Critical steps Receive verification data approved for representativness, completeness, and correctness by Subsystem teams or System Commissioning team Archive the data in the verification archive May or may not be the same as the subsystem long term store Process the data to demonstrate compliance status From comparing two numbers To complex integrated and/or end-to-end simulations
Data Flow Diagram
Reference Pointers