Managing health and safety risks Potential hazards Manual handling PPE The management of health and safety within collections points is very important. It is your responsibility to ensure that all the collectors are aware and trained in health and safety. Author: Margaret Bates, The University of Northampton
Hazards Falling Objects or Projectiles Sharp Objects Slips, Trips & Falls Sprains and Strains while lifting
How much can you lift? The key is make sure that you are happy to lift things – if you are not sure then get help! Some things like large LCD televisions may not be too heavy but are hard to carry and so made need help
Manual handling: Lifting 1. 2. 4. 3. Lifting Examine the object and plan the job ensuring that the area around you is clear and your exit is clear. Get a firm footing Adopt a good posture and get a good grip Keep straight, don’t twist and put down and adjust if required
General PPE Overalls Hard hat Safety boots Gloves Goggles Safety shoes Safety glasses Overalls Overalls
Personal Protective Equipment Procedure Safety boots are required in all areas and must be worn BOOTS Collectors and collection point staff must wear at all times
Personal Protective Equipment Procedure High Visibility Vests or coats are required for all operations VEST Collectors and collection point staff must wear at all times
Personal Protective Equipment Procedure Gloves are required for all operations that require you to handle units GLOVES Collectors and collection point staff must wear at all times
Personal Protective Equipment Procedure Safety Glasses are required for all operations that may generate risk of flying parts i.e. using the baler GLASSES Collectors will not need these but collection points will
Personal Protective Equipment Procedure Dust Masks are required for all operations that generate dust DUST MASK Collectors will not need these but collection points may
Personal Protective Equipment Procedure Ear plugs or ear defenders are required for all work in noisy areas i.e. near balers or generators EAR PLUGS Collectors will not need these but collection points will
Personal Protective Equipment Procedure Hard hats are to be worn in any area that poses a risk from falling appliances/materials HARD HAT Collectors will not need these but collection points will
Personal Protective Equipment Procedure OVERALLS Overalls must be worn for collection Disposable overalls should be used for mercury spills
Collection Not too heavy Not breaking through transport Be careful when picking it up Protect your body Protect yourself It is important to mention that no matter how small the cut is there is a risk of infection. Once infected a cut can results in several weeks off work and medical attention. If you are cut in any way then you should ensure appropriate treatment.