Agenda (FOR me) Book Talk Presentations Vocab Practice 8B Much Ado Finish Act II/Plot Chart/quote response Watch film Act II Act II Quiz HW: Revise and rewrite Lying Liars CEIEI – due tomorrow / Much Ado Quiz, Act II tomorrow
Reminders 12/6/17 Book Talk Presenters for today: Melli Alex Langston Max Book Talk Presenters for tomorrow: Add 4 names here! Turn in revised/rewritten CEIEI to black basket Vocabulary Unit 8B Quiz Friday You should bring Much Ado About Nothing to class EVERY DAY! If time: Mackenzie
Book talk presentations
Vocab practice 8B
Lawful Good A Crusader Tells the truth Keeps their word Helps people in need Speaks out against injustice Neutral Good A Benefactor Devoted to helping others Does what is right without bias Chaotic Good A Rebel Acts as their conscience directs, but still kind Little use for rules Follows own moral compass Lawful Neutral A Judge Acts in accordance with the law Order and rules are important Reliable and trustworthy True Neutral Undecided Does what seems to be a good idea Lack prejudice or bias Not committed to upholding laws Chaotic Neutral A Free Spirit Follows their own whim Avoids involvement Values the truth but doesn’t try to protect others Lawful Evil A Dominator Plays by the rules, but without mercy or compassion Takes part in spreading evil May see doing evil as part of a calling to a higher power Neutral Evil A Malefactor (usually the VILLAIN) Does whatever they can get away with No consequences for actions Out for their own desires Chaotic Evil A Destroyer Hot tempered, vicious, hurts people Does whatever their wants or desires drive them to do
Much ado, act II Finish reviewing plot chart/quote Watch Act II Quiz, Act II – after you are finished, read your independent reading book