Alan Cave W2W Convention 2012 “A real appetite to challenge accepted wisdom – being bold and innovative” Alan Cave W2W Convention 2012
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower” Steve Jobs
“If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative.” Woody Allen
“Practices and processes which increase the numbers of people in sustained employment and/or decreases the cost of securing outcomes” Dave Simmonds
But will it in employment services?
Innovating in what? 1. Employment policy 2. Delivery of contracts
Inhibiting A ‘closed’ market with insufficient external challenge Slim financial margins increasing risk adversity Lack of transparency prevents fast adoption Ability to quickly identify which innovations increase performance and/or decrease costs A widespread belief that its “all been done before” Immaturity of market mechanisms for dialogue, staff training, and leadership
Change agents DWP through market regulation Senior management teams Politicians, nationally and locally, providing scrutiny, accountability and leadership Think tanks and information providers Trade Associations