Benchmark Add BENCHMARK to April 3 on the calendar. Similar to the midterm, it will assess your knowledge of American Literature to this point. It should give us a good idea of how well (or poorly) you will do on the SEOCT.
Take notes on your own paper. Galileo Take notes on your own paper.
What is Galileo? Galileo is a database where you can access periodicals and scholarly journals.
Why is it better that Google? Anyone can post anything on the internet. We know this to be true. Wikipedia allows users to edit information—but it cannot guarantee that the information is reliable. Galileo only offers scholarly (and peer-reviewed) articles to provide accurate, reliable information.
How do I use Galileo? The easiest way to get to Galileo is to Google search it. If you spell it correctly, it will be the first link listed. It reads-"Galileo-University System of Georgia."
Click on Browse by Subject
What are we researching? In teacher-assigned groups you will research, the social, political, and economic climate leading up to the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s. Then you will create a poster displaying this information. Your group will present your findings to the class. Suggested Search Topics Description of 1940’s America—enter your decade here American political climate
Click on HISTORY and GOVERNMENT Then click on CULTURE
Click on Student Research Center
Click on FULL TEXT
Type in your search—just like on Google
Your Research Click on the first article—open the HTML or PDF full text version to read. You may have to read multiple articles to find your information. That is part of the research process. When you find information from one of your sources, you need to get information for the WORKS CITED page. To do this, you will click on CITATION on the top left corner
Works Cited Page You will then use this listed information to fill in the Works Cited information. You will have a worksheet to guide you.
Citation Format for Scholarly Journals Author(s). “Article Title.” Journal Title volume.issue number (publication year): page numbers of article if given. Database Name. Web. Access Date [day/month/year]. Example: Chalmers, David. “The struggle for social change in 1960s America: A bibliographic essay.” American Studies International 30.1 (1992): 41-65. World History Collection. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.