Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 19-20 June 2014 Item 7.2 –Quality Reports Shubila Balaile Eurostat F5 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 19-20 June 2014
UOE Quality Reports: Legal framework The framework is specified in annex II of the previous Regulation 88/2011 and the current Regulation 912/2013 for ETS. In particular, the quality report shall document compliance with the definitions and concepts as stated in the guidelines for the UOE data collection. Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 19-20 June 2014
UOE Quality Reports: Legal framework Deviations from definitions and concepts as stated in the guidelines for the UOE data collection shall be documented and explained, and if possible quantified. Countries shall provide a description of sources used and the use of estimates and revisions shall be clearly identified. Mandatory for the first time in 2012. Deadline set to 31 of March 2013. Onwards by the 31 of January every year. Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 19-20 June 2014
UOE Quality Reports: Technical framework Proposal on template treated in ETS WG 2011 At the same meeting the IT tool , NRME- National Reference Metadata Editor, was presented. Test of content of the template and NRME between 2011 and 2012 by 4 States – Bulgaria, France, Netherlands and UK. The testing countries not happy overall with technical performance of NRME. Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 19-20 June 2014
UOE Quality Reports: Technical framework Because of technical problems the first mandatory submission in Excel template. Meanwhile, using the feedback of the testing countries, Eurostat improved NRME. The 2012 QR was submitted by countries in Excel and put into the new NRME by Eurostat. By the end of January this year Eurostat merged two(EMIS & NRME) IT-tools for metadata into one, ESSMH-ESS Metadata Handler. Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 19-20 June 2014
UOE Quality Reports: Technical framework ESSMH: Difference to NRME is that it only allows one file per ref period. Instead it has "history" of the file. Function to compare files. The combined functions allows users to keep track of the latest version. Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 19-20 June 2014
Education and Training Statistics Working Group - 19-20 June 2014
UOE Quality Reports: State of play 2012 UOE: 29/34 countries have their QR in the ESSM. 17/29 are published on Eurostat web. 2013 UOE: 7/34 countries have their QR in the ESSM. None published. Few reports for 2013 partly because of no IT tool when switching to ESSMH. Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 19-20 June 2014
UOE Quality Reports: Future actions Countries who have not should ASAP submit 2012 QR and edit them(if needed) in order to publish and then proceed to finalize 2013 QR. Countries who have submitted 2012 QR but not yet published should review their QR and edit(if needed) in order to publish, then proceed to finalize 2013 QR. Countries who have published 2012 QR should finalize 2013 QR . Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 19-20 June 2014
UOE Quality Reports: Future actions Deadline for 2014 QR is last of January 2015. Countries should keep in mind that the 2014 QR will refer to the 2014 UOE with ISCED 2011 when updating QR. Eurostat aims to give more feedback on content rather than form. Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 19-20 June 2014