UK100 – Clean air… opportunities and challenges Presentation to Essex County Council October 2018 Jason Torrance, Clean Air Cities Director
Air Pollution overview POWER Use what you have got Create more by acting together Ask for more TIME Act now! Create appetite Team work saves time MONEY Think entrepreneurially Prove your concept Team work saves money 32, GREAT SUTTON STREET EC1V 0NB | INFO@UK100.ORG |
Air Quality Directions 2017 and 2018 In April 2015 the Supreme Court found the Secretary of State to be in breach of the Directive and ordered an updated Air Quality Plan be prepared to achieve NO2 limits as soon as possible. High Court ruling set out a three-part test for assessing air quality plans. The test requires that plans must: 1. Aim to achieve compliance as soon as possible; 2. Choose a route to compliance which reduces human exposure as quickly as possible; and 3. Ensure that compliance with the limit values is not just possible but likely. POWER Use what you have got Create more by acting together Ask for more TIME Act now! Create appetite Team work saves time MONEY Think entrepreneurially Prove your concept Team work saves money 32, GREAT SUTTON STREET EC1V 0NB | INFO@UK100.ORG |
Mandated Local Authorities POWER Use what you have got Create more by acting together Ask for more TIME Act now! Create appetite Team work saves time MONEY Think entrepreneurially Prove your concept Team work saves money 32, GREAT SUTTON STREET EC1V 0NB | INFO@UK100.ORG |
What’s happening when 2018 Item Clean air timetable 2018 Mar/ April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 1 Gvmts draft Clean Air Strategy consultation Consultation on a broad framework for action on air quality… with 12 week consultation ending 14th August. 22nd began 14th closed 2 Local initial plans deadline for 29 LAs (23 plans + 5 CAZs) 31st March 3 Local initial plans deadline for additional 33 LAs 31st 4 Local plans full business case deadline for 5 CAZs 15th 5 National UK Gov to produce supplement to 2017 NO2 plan 5th 6 UK Gov and LAs to agree final local plans 7 National Clean Air Summit 20th 8 Clean Air Day 21st 9 Global Climate Action Summit, San Francisco 12-14 10 WHO First Global Conference on Air Pollution & Health, Geneva 30th 1st 11 Zero Emission Vehicle Summit, Birmingham 11 - 12 12 Autumn Budget 29th POWER Use what you have got Create more by acting together Ask for more TIME Act now! Create appetite Team work saves time MONEY Think entrepreneurially Prove your concept Team work saves money 32, GREAT SUTTON STREET EC1V 0NB | INFO@UK100.ORG |
Local leaders – asks of Government A modern Clean Air Act that establishes strong air quality limits standards linked to World Health Organisation recommended guidelines, enforced by a new independent statutory body, with new powers and resources to ensure strong national and local action. A targeted national vehicle renewal scheme to replace older polluting vehicles that supports drivers and businesses to change to low-emission vehicles and other sustainable forms of transport, taking special care that those on low incomes and also small businesses are helped to make the shift. An enhanced Clean Air Fund open to all towns and cities in England funded by UK Government and motor-vehicle manufacturers. This would provide investment for cleaner buses, taxis and alternatives to car travel walking, cycling and public transport. Support for businesses to innovate clean transport technology and enable the UK to be a global leader in manufacturing low-emission vehicles post-Brexit as part of the Road to Zero Transport, Clean Growth and Industrial Strategies. This should include a commitment to phase out sales of new pure diesel and petrol cars and vans by 2030. To ensure the role out of the vital electric vehicle infrastructure needed to support this, cities should have the power to install charge points at petrol stations and private car parks. POWER Use what you have got Create more by acting together Ask for more TIME Act now! Create appetite Team work saves time MONEY Think entrepreneurially Prove your concept Team work saves money 32, GREAT SUTTON STREET EC1V 0NB | INFO@UK100.ORG |
National Clean Air Summit - June 2018 Convened by Mayor of London, UK100 and IPPR. Brought together 11 cross-party leaders and 8 Portfolio Holders, representing 20m people from towns and cities in England and Wales. Four actions going forward: A joint letter to the PM A joint submission to the Autumn Budget and Comprehensive Spending Review Secure another joint meeting/briefing with ministers and/or MPs To continue to work together through UK100. POWER Use what you have got Create more by acting together Ask for more TIME Act now! Create appetite Team work saves time MONEY Think entrepreneurially Prove your concept Team work saves money 32, GREAT SUTTON STREET EC1V 0NB | INFO@UK100.ORG |
Signatories to joint letters Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester Steve Rotheram, Mayor of Liverpool City Region Dan Jarvis, Mayor of Sheffield City Region Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol Sir Peter Soulsby, Mayor of Leicester Cllr Ian Ward, Leader of Birmingham City Council Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe, Leader of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Chair of West Yorkshire Combined Authority Cllr Nick Forbes, Leader of Newcastle City Council Cllr Susan Brown, Leader Oxford City Council Cllr Christopher Hammond, Leader Southampton City Council Cllr Alex Ganotis, Leader of Stockport Council and Greater Manchester Green City Region Lead Cllr James Lewis, Deputy Leader, Executive Board Member for Resources and Sustainability, Leeds City Council Cllr Andrew Waller, Deputy Leader and Executive Member for the Environment, City of York Council Cllr James Noakes, Cabinet Member - Streetscene, Transport & Highways and Air Quality, Liverpool City Council Cllr Sally Longford, Cabinet Member for Transport and Air Quality, Nottingham City Council POWER Use what you have got Create more by acting together Ask for more TIME Act now! Create appetite Team work saves time MONEY Think entrepreneurially Prove your concept Team work saves money 32, GREAT SUTTON STREET EC1V 0NB | INFO@UK100.ORG |
Timetable for 2019 – what we know so far March Local Industrial Strategies agreed May Local elections Elections - local councils and for directly elected Mayors. Nov/Dec London Mayoral Election prep work Dates will be set for Jan 2019 onwards hustings events for May 2019 election June Clean Air Day 2019 March BREXIT day 29th UK leaves EU transition begins. Sept/Oct Party Political Conferences Political Investment Local Budgets set Spending Review? Autumn Budget? Legislation Environment Bill in Parliament Policy March Gvmt’s Air Quality Strategy produced April London ULEZ starts Dec All CAZ plans set to be implemented