MIRI Observing Templates MIRI is a NASA/JPL-led partnership with a European Consortium sponsored by ESA NASA provides focal planes, signal chain Consortium provides optical bench assembly Science team George Rieke (U of A, Lead) Gillian Wright (ROE, Instrument PI and Co-lead) Tom Greene (NASA-Ames) Margaret Meixner (STScI) Mike Ressler (NASA-JPL, Instrument Scientist) Torsten Boeker (ESA-ESTEC) Thomas Henning (MPIA) Luis Colina (CSIC-IEM) STScI Instrument team Christine Chen (APT/ETC) Scott Friedman (Commissioning) Karl Gordon (Calibration) Dean Hines (Operations) Rachel Anderson Misty Cracraft 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
MIRI Operating Configurations Imaging = 5 - 27 m wavelength range Diffraction limited imaging with 0.11” pixels ~2 square arcmin field of view Coronagraphy Three 4 Quadrant Phase Masks (10.65, 11.4, and 15.5 m) One Lyot Coronagraph (23 m) Low Resolution Spectroscopy (LRS) R ~ 100 from = 5 - 10 m Medium Resolution Spectroscopy (MRS) = 5 - 27 m wavelength range, goal to reach = 28.3 m Integral field spectroscopy with fields of view of 3” or more R ~ 3000 - 1000 from = 5 - 27 m 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
MIRI FOV on the Sky For more information, see “Mid-infrared Instrument (MIRI) Operations Concept Document” Rev C edited by C. H. Chen JWST-STScI-00910 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
MIRI Data Format Nominal Data File Coordinates (w/Ref Output) Nominal Data File Coordinates In Final Format Reference Pixels - four pixels at the beginning and end of each row with no light sensitivity, one for each data output Reference Output pixels - “blind” pixels interleaved with light-sensitive pixels that use a separate data output 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
MIRI Readout Patterns FASTMode SLOWMode Each pixel in the (sub-)array is sampled once and that value is returned Full frame time 2.775 sec Will be used to observe bright targets SLOWMode Each pixel in the (sub-)array is sampled 10 times, the middle 8 samples are averaged together and returned Full frame time 27.75 sec Will be used to observe faint targets 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
Imaging Astronomical Observation Requests Target acquisition Current implementation does not include target acquisition for direct imaging The smallest subarrays (SUB64 and SUB128) may require target acquisition User will specify TA source coordinates, TA filter, and expected brightness for the TA source in TA filter Filter User will select based on the science justification Subarray User will select based on the science justification and the brightness of the target, with guidance from ETC/APT software Readout Pattern User will select based on the science justification and the brightness of the target with guidence from ETC/APT software Dither Pattern User will select based on science justification 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
Imaging: Filter Selection 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
Imaging: Subarray Selection For more information, see “MIRI Subarrays for Planetary Transits and Other Bright Objects” Rev. A by C. H. Chen, G. H. Rieke, & K. D. Gordon, JWST-STScI-001757 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
Imaging: Dither Pattern Selection Available Patterns No Dither (for transiting extra-solar planets) 5-Point Gaussian (SUB64, SUB128) 12-Point Reauleaux (SUB256, BRIGHTSKY, or FULL array) 311-Point Cycling Pattern (SUB256, BRIGHTSKY, or FULL array) User specifies starting position in list of offsets and number of dither positions required Available Pattern Sizes: S, M, L Optimal pattern sizes exist based on the For more information, see “MIRI Imaging Dither Patterns” Rev A by C. H Chen JWST-STScI-001657 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
Coronagraphic Astronomical Observation Requests Target acquisition User will specify TA source coordinates, TA filter, and expected brightness for the TA source in TA filter For more information, see “Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) Target Acquisition Strategies and Use Cases” by Gordon & Meixner, 2008, JWST-001407 Coronagraph/Filter User will select based on the science justification Subarray Will be automatically selected based on Coronagraph/Filter selection Readout Pattern User will select based on the science justification and the brightness of the target with guidance from ETC/APT software Dither Pattern No dither pattern is allowed 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
Coronagraph: Coronagraph/Filter Selection 4QPM Lyot User must select which of the following coronagraphs they would like to use: 4QPM at 10.65, 11.4, or 15.5 m or Lyot Coronagraph at 23 m 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
LRS Astronomical Observation Requests Target acquisition User will specify TA source coordinates, TA filter, and expected brightness for the TA source in TA filter For more information, see “Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) Low Resolution Target Acquisition for Faint Sources” by Gordon, 2008, JWST-STScI-001347 Filter Is automatically set to “LRS Prism” Subarray User will select (either LRS-Slit or LRS-Slitless) based on the science justification and the brightness of the target, with guidance from ETC/APT software Readout Pattern User will select based on the science justification and the brightness of the target given guidance from ETC/APT software Dither Pattern If LRS-Slit, then user will select based on science justification 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
LRS Slit vs LRS Slitless Observations Target placed in the slit Target placed in the Lyot FOV LRS Slit LRS Slit Target Acquisition FULL frame is readout LRS Slitless LRS Slitless Target Acquisition TBD SLITLESSPRISM subarray is readout 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
LRS Slit Observations: Dither Pattern Selection Point Source/Staring Always two positions in the slit Always 1/3 and 2/3 of the way along the slit Extended Source/Mapping Customizable grid of positions User gives number of positions parallel and perpendicular to the slit User gives offset between slit positions in direction parallel and perpendicular to the slit For more information, see “The LRS Dither Pattern ” by C. H. Chen JWST-STScI-001634 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
MRS Astronomical Observation Requests Target acquisition User will specify TA source coordinates, TA filter, and expected brightness for the TA source in TA filter For more information, see “Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) Target Acquisition Strategies and Use Cases” by Gordon & Meixner, 2008, JWST-001407 Grating User will select based on the science justification Subarray Only FULL array observations are allowed Readout Pattern User will select based on the science justification and the brightness of the target with guidance from ETC/APT software Dither Pattern User will select based on science justification 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
MRS Overview 10 arcseconds Wavelength/Velocity Each channel’s field of view is sliced, dispersed and detected. Channel 1 (4.9 - 7.7 mm) Channel 2 (7.4 - 11.8 mm) Channel 3 (11.4 - 18.2 mm) Channel 4 (17.5 - 28.8 mm) 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
MRS: Grating Selection Select one sub-band at a time (A-”short”,B-”medium”, or C-”long”) or ALL 8/1/10 C. H. Chen
MRS: Dither Pattern Selection (TBD) Pattern 1 - improved spatial sampling for all channels simultaneously Pattern 2 - improved spatial and spectra sampling for one channel at a time (Ch 1, 2, 3, and 4 optimized patterns) For more information, see “MIRI MRS Dither Patterns” by C. H. Chen & A. Glasse JWST-STScI-001871 8/1/10 C. H. Chen