Innovation In Computer Assisted Study Anywhere


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Innovation In Computer Assisted Study Anywhere In-Casa Innovation In Computer Assisted Study Anywhere The effectiveness of a mix of learning media Fons Vernooij Thomas Thijssen 29 december 2018 University of Amsterdam Edineb 2001

University of Amsterdam The dilemma of media If you read this, I run the risk that my verbal message is not communicated / received. If you do not read this, I run the risk that the information on this sheet is not communicated, but you will never know. Maybe I should have used a different medium. Verhaal van de bioscoop en radio die door de TV verdongen zouden worden Bestaan allemaal nog: dus een functie 29 december 2018 University of Amsterdam Edineb 2001

University of Amsterdam Bates (1994): It is a relatively untested assumption that advanced technologies,…, are pedagogically more effective than older ones. Hara (2000): The literature about distance learning is dominated by enthusiastic studies and accounts. Kling (2000): Frustrations with new technologies are caused by: technological problems; minimal en slow feedback; ambiguous instructions via website and email. Technologie aandachtsvelden en stand van zaken 29 december 2018 University of Amsterdam Edineb 2001

University of Amsterdam THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEDIA Functionalities activated potential Disfunctionalities Conclusion: you don’t choose for a medium, but for its functionalities and you must account for its disfunctionalities 29 december 2018 University of Amsterdam Edineb 2001

University of Amsterdam EXAMPLE Discussion as an instructional format Medium 1 Class discussion Medium 2 Discussion database Functio-nalities Synchronic Teacher control ‘Rich’ communication Verbal skills Time to think Space independent A-synchronic contact Writing skills Dis- functio-nalities Shy students Space dependent Reasoning not re-readable ……… Less teacher control Technological barriers …………. 29 december 2018 University of Amsterdam Edineb 2001

University of Amsterdam THE LEARNING PROCESS Desired Learning outcomes Learning Activities: Cognitive Regulative Affective Attained learning outcomes 29 december 2018 University of Amsterdam Edineb 2001

University of Amsterdam EXTERNAL OR INTERNAL CONTROL Future research should focus: on the transformation of externally to internally controlled learning processes and on how this should be translated into effective learning environments. In this respect, the role of new technologies is an important issue. A lot of research still has to be done on this subject. (Vermunt, 1992) 29 december 2018 University of Amsterdam Edineb 2001

Pedagogical characteristics Media characteristics Assessment for competencies Desired learning outcomes Learning activities Pedagogical characteristics Cognitive Regulative Affective Design process Critical cutting edge for optimization Media characteristics Activated Functionalities Potential Functionalities Disfunctionalities We now have discussed our building blocks for our central framework. First we heave the design process as our model can be used for this, but also for evaluating an running or finished course with new and old media. Second we have the media at hand or the media that you are trying to incorporate in the course. On the other hand we have the preferred learning outcomes and the activities necessary to reach them. We have to say that some activities can be undertaken by students or instructors. Example: a teacher can prepare a summary or can leave this up to the students. To further elaborate this framework we define 3 categories of functionalities on both the media side and the learning activities side. And finally the critical cutting edge! Voorbeeld eigen curses functionality werkte zich tegen ons: regulatief, makkelijk aanpasbaar, ambigiuos instructions als gevolg. Media 29 december 2018 University of Amsterdam Edineb 2001

University of Amsterdam CONCLUSIONS You never choose for a medium, but for the critical functionalities, related to the learning activities. You get the disfunctionalities for free. For every medium you choose you must ask: What are critical functionalities? Which potential functionalities are forgotten? What are the disfunctionalities? How to compensate for these disfunctionalities? Only then an optimal mix of media can be selected. 29 december 2018 University of Amsterdam Edineb 2001

University of Amsterdam FURTHER RESEARCH What are critical functionalities? What are critical disfunctionalities? Can we reach new learning outcomes with a new mix of media? 29 december 2018 University of Amsterdam Edineb 2001