Exploring the Universe with Cosmic Rays Jim Linnemann Professor of Physics Frontiers of Science MSU, Oct 16-17, 2003
Overview History and Physics of Cosmic Rays The Milagro Experiment A Bit on the Cosmos Resources
Thanks to Colleagues Dan Claes, of U Nebraska CROP project Sarah Eno, D0, Quarknet, U Maryland Jordan Goodman, Milagro, Quarknet, Umd Gus Sinnis and many Milagro Colleagues
My Goals for class Share my enthusiasm How my first field of high energy physics science of the very small connects with my second field of astrophysics science of the very large A flavor of mindset and methods of physics Welcoming you to my world: Where extrasensory perception is a daily fact Provoke, and try to answer questions!
My Background Grew up on a farm St. Louis U, Cornell 6 years at CERN (Geneva Switzerland) MSU since 1984 http://www.pa.msu.edu/people/linnemann/ Living in Haslett; daughter in 3rd grade High Energy Particle Physics D0 experiment at Fermilab (Chicago) starting a MSU program in Cosmic Ray physics Sabbatical on Milagro, in Los Alamos, New Mexico I’m an experimenter Build apparatus, perform experiments, test theories I enjoy collaborative and international research
Your Background? Do you teach High School? Took physics classes in college? Do you teach physics? Goals for class for you? What else would you like me to know?
A random example of the power of mathematics The same equation Governs: the radioactive decay of Carbon 14 The loss of obsolete words in a language Is this a wild fluke? There is an underlying unity between the phenomena: number lost per unit time is proportional to the original number Provided by an English major friend, at a cosmology lecture A remark by one of her linguistics professors