Results of Mapping in Austria (app. 8 Million inhabitants) PRO TRAIN second partner meeting, 14th to 15th of December 2007
Which kind of institutions/organisations received the questionnaire? Women councelling centres against VAW Domestic abuse intervention centres Women shelters Network of Women‘s Shelters (AÖF) Women helplines City of Vienna/Vienna Women‘s Health Programme We did not include training in the police and training of other professionals which is done internaly and is not organized with a multi-agency approach
How many and which kind of institutions responded? 20 questionnaires were send directly to organisations (28 more indirectly through networks) 13 organisations responded 5 Women councelling centres against VAW 3 Domestic abuse intervention centres 1 Women shelter (Vienna) 1 Network of Women‘s Shelters (AÖF) 2 Women helplines 1 City of Vienna/Vienna Women‘s Health Programme 2 organisations promised to answer later
Identified good material Core examples: Vienna Women‘s Health Programme/Curriculum „Gewalt gegen Frauen und Kinder“ – Report Training concepts „Gegen Gewalt an Frauen handeln“ (1996) for different professionals (funded by the Minister for Women developed by experts from women‘s NGOs): 1 basic concept, special concepts for: women‘s services, psycho-social professions, legal professions, health professions, teachers; concept for multi-professional training) Adapted material from S.I.G.N.A.L (Interreg Projekt, 2007) Film „Sign of Escape“, by Nina Kusturica (2003), realized in co-operation with the Austrian Women‘s Shelter Network
Identified gaps – What is needed? Training concepts: Rather well developed training concepts; gaps: situation and needs of specific groups/intercultural competences, human rights, substance abuse&violence, violence against men, interventions with perpetrators List of possible target groups in the health sector was expanded (social workers in health; professions working with disabled people; physio-therapists; students of health professions; substance abuse services; services for people with mental health problems; management of organisations) Trainings: Trainings are not organized on a regual basis but rather ad hoc Many potential target groups, but many are not or hardly reached Main mentioned target groups in the health care sector: 1. nurses (10/13), 2. psyhologist/therapists (9/13), 3. doctors/midwifes (8/13), 4. first aid sector (6/13) Ad hoc training / training „on demand“ seems to be an important strategy – for ProTrain: see it as potential rather than as deficit? Few Train the Trainer seminars which might lead to lack of trainers as well as inconsistency in the standards of trainings Lack of systematic implementation within the groups of professionals Lack of compulsory training for all relevant groups within organisations Lack for training for the management level Possible reasons: Lack of clear policies and guidlines within organisations = gaps on the management level in general and the human resource management in particul Lack of integration of training on DV within the basic training of professionals
Conclusion for PRO TRAIN programme in European context Some considerations Dual strategy: Improving training within (health-)organisations Establishing permanent training instituts run by experts on VAW: providing expertise and trainers for internal training and organising interdisciplinary training Establishing and improving standards and guidlines Adressing the management level of organisations through training Assitisting specific organisation develop standards through training Creating the need for training Responding to demands more flexibly
REMINDER Coucil of Europe Campaign „Stop domestic violence against women“ Website: Reports, material of conferences and regional seminars Reports on standards for services and data and statistics Task Force report autum 2008