WELCOME DAY September,10th 2018 Sala de Juntas 13:30 Oficina Internacional / International Office international@etsit.upm.es
¡WELCOME TO ETSIT-UPM! Welcome by Luis Salgado, Vice Dean for International Relations and Corporate Partnership (Academic Coordinator) at ETSIT-UPM Welcome by the representative of the students at ETSIT: Laura Welcome by IAESTE: David INTRODUCTION International Office Mentors Students Photo ETSIT Guided tour (by ETSIT international student mentor)
UPON ARRIVAL Spanish courses UPM Intensive course in August and in January: 5 ECTS UPM Regular Spanish course September 24th - December 13th: 3 ECTS Online registration open until September,20th Arrival/attendance certificate (GRANT): first day in the School (may include the intensive Spanish course) Insurance (oncampus): It is the responsability of the student to be duly covered for the entire period of stay at ETSIT-UPM Accomodation: welcome service at UPM and webpage of i.o ETSIT Transport in Madrid (welcome guide): how to get the transport card Arrival certificate: To be handed at the i.o duly filled in at the end of the welcome day. The document will be sent by e-mail to the student. Original document must be picked up by the student in the o.i during the opening hour for students Welcome guide sent by e-mail and in the webpage.
REGISTRATION UPM Registration = Alta ETSIT information sheet Courses Registration = Matrícula Excel Sheet: in process The international office is now registering the courses that you have sent in the registration form. “carta de pago”: proof of registration including all the courses registered Student card: online by filling a form and updating a photo. It may take some time to receive it. In the meanwhile, use your acceptance letter UPM account: Politécnica Virtual (courses registered, calification obtained) Learning agreement: You have received a learning agreement signed with your acceptance letter. You may modify the learning agreement signed by adding and deleting courses. LA must coincide with the carta de pago.
COURSES Moodle: platform used by Professors. ONLY WHEN YOU ARE REGISTERED! Exams: 2 examination periods in January and in July: check the academic calendar Introduction of the student to the Professor
COURSES: changes Steps to follow: You may have one week to do modification in your registration: IMPORTANT If you decide to remove or add a new course in your registration: you must inform the Professor of the course For courses with limited places – GITST optativas – and new courses from Master degree (that haven’t been approved before)---˃a written approval from the Professor must be sent to the international office Steps to follow: Send a new excel sheet to the international office with the courses that you want to add or delete. Please specify the added or deleted courses. Modify your learning agreement. The Coordinator of your home University must agree with the changes. Erasmus+ students must use the form Learning agreement “during the mobility”. Sign it and hand it to the international office so that the Academic Coordinator may sign it. We will send it to you by e-mail so that you may send it to your home Coordinator. Then send us the final LA duly signed. IT WON’T BE POSSIBLE TO START A COURSE AFTER 2 WEEKS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE CLASS NOTE: Students accepted to study at ETSIT during the whole academic year will have to repeat the same process at the beginning of the spring semester (end of January).
COURSES: additional information You are following courses given in another School of UPM: All the courses will be registered at ETSIT. Make sure that courses given in another School of UPM are included in your carta de pago If you want to modify courses, after having the approval of the Professor/Coordinator, inform the international office of the School You have 2 exams the same day: Inform the Professor about your situation Ask him if you may do both exam the same day but at different time You want to delete a course during the semester: Inform the Professor Send the international office a new excel registration form with courses added and deleted: we will send you a new carta de pago
Internship or research project Bachelor and Master Thesis The beginning of the internship/research project/Bachelor/Master thesis must be accorded with your Professor Supervisor. You must fill in together with your Professor supervisor an application (given by the international office) with details regarding the research content. Don’t forget to have it signed and send it back to the i.o. At the end of the project, your Supervisor may sign a report that you have to bring to the international office in order to put a stamp on it. NOTE: For Erasmus+ traineeship, the Learning Agreement serves as application and report Bachelor Thesis – 12 ECTS – and Master Thesis – 30 ECTS – must be registered in order to receive the credits. The thesis will be evaluated in front of a Jury at ETSIT after each examination period (check the academic calendar). Student must register their thesis in the platform of ETSIT (link will be sent).
AT THE END Confirmation letter: last day at ETSIT Transcript of records Note: ¡only passed courses! ECTS percentile According to the Spanish academic system (0 -10) It will be sent by e-mail to the Home University and we will put you in copy of the e-mail. The original document may be sent by post mail if the Home University requieres it.
Services at ETSIT Library Ciberteca Publicaciones (copy and print, materials) Student clubs International Club: Monday 6:30pm Cafetería de alumnos September: 10th – 17th – 24th October: 1st November: 5th December: 3rd January: bye bye party (day to be fixed)
Nuestros datos: ETSIT-UPM Erasmus code: E MADRID05 Luis Salgado Vice Dean for International Relations and Corporate Partnership (Departmental Coordinator) Julian Ayuso / Paloma García Administrative Officer Emilie Roussel Contact person for incoming and outgoing students e-mail: internacional@etsit.upm.es / international@etsit.upm.es Tel.: +34 91 336 7299
Opening hour for students In the morning: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 12:00 to 14:00 In the afternoon: Tuesday and Wednesday from 15:30 to 17:30