ELRA - Entry Level Referee Award Next ELRA Referee Training course in Hampshire WINCHESTER RFC Saturday 15th MAR & Sunday 16th Mar 9.00am – 4.30pm COST: For both days only £40 or £50 if wish to include the mini/midi option ELRA - Entry Level Referee Award (13-19 & Senior Rugby) (Mini/Midi optional)
ELRA - Entry Level Referee Award To book on the course download the forms from www.rfu.com/community And send, with payment to Lindsay Piper Rugby Football Union Rugby House Rugby Road Twickenham TW1 1DZ Bookings close 10 days before the Course ELRA - Entry Level Referee Award (13-19 & Senior Rugby) (Mini/Midi optional)
ELRA - Entry Level Referee Award RFU Referee Development Officer – is Nigel Cowley 07894 783378 nigelcowley@rfu.com The RFU Regional Trainer for Hampshire is David Hayward 02392 265697 David.hayward10@btopenworld.com ELRA - Entry Level Referee Award (13-19 & Senior Rugby) (Mini/Midi optional)