P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Creating e-Learning activities DESIGN BUILD TEST DESIGN BUILD TEST 1.Structure content activities 2.Design learning activities 3.Integrate them in a scenario 4.Design an organising metaphor 5.Draw the page layout Content & pages (DreamWeaver etc..) (Communication tools) (Services: Autentication, Managment,..) Few students debug a lot The sooner, the better 1.Structure content activities 2.Design learning activities 3.Integrate them in a scenario 4.Design an organising metaphor 5.Draw the page layout Content & pages (DreamWeaver etc..) (Communication tools) (Services: Autentication, Managment,..) Few students debug a lot The sooner, the better
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Ljhkhgk hgkjdh lkjhl jewhlkjrhg lkejhg oiuh kjoui ékiuélkjlkjjlkj lkjl dlkdjlkf liorjéljkfék lfirjl kerjlk relkj flkjlfwèàeijrlkjehri oih lik Where is Geneva? (a)In France (b)In France (c)In Switzerland Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 1 Structure content
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Accessories Marketing & Distribution Customers Garnment Production Design Fashion Centers Module: FASHION BUSINESS Content Map (Mrs A. S. KHARKAR)
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Accessories Marketing & Distribution Customers Garnment Production Design Fashion Centers FASHION BUSINESS Content Map (Mrs A. S. KHARKAR) 1 1.The fashion centers 2.The design process 3.The production lines 4.Marketing & distribution 5.Accessories and fur 1. Structure content
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 2 IntroductionDiscoveryConsolidationApplicationTransfer Evaluation IntroductionDiscoveryConsolidationApplicationTransfer Evaluation IntroductionDiscoveryConsolidationApplicationTransfer Evaluation IntroductionDiscoveryConsolidationApplicationTransfer Evaluation 2. Activities
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Example of structure 1.Introduction 2.Discovery phase 3.Consolidation phase 4.Application phase 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Example of structure 1.Introduction –Explain concretely the objectives –Refresh prerequisites –Give context –Pre-activate cognitive structures –… 2.Discovery phase 3.Consolidation phase 4.Application phase 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Example of structure 1.Introduction 2.Discovery phase –Focus on the key idea –Use the group 3.Consolidation phase 4.Application phase 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Example of structure 1.Introduction 2.Discovery phase 3.Consolidation phase State definitions, principles, rules, … Bring the complexity of real life … 4.Application phase 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Example of structure 1.Introduction 2.Discovery phase 3.Consolidation phase 4.Application phase –Apply the knowledge to exercices, building cases, group problem solving,… 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Example of structure 1.Introduction 2.Discovery phase 3.Consolidation phase 4.Application phase 5.Synthesis –Summary –Relate to similar topics –Post-structuring –Train transfer 6.Evaluation
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Example of structure 1.Introduction 2.Discovery phase 3.Consolidation phase 4.Application phase 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Creating e-Learning DESIGN BUILD TEST DESIGN BUILD TEST 1.Structure content activities 2.Design learning activities 3.Integrate them in a scenario 4.Design an organising metaphor 5.Draw the page layout Content & pages (DreamWeaver etc..) (Communication tools) (Services: Autentication, Managment,..) Few students debug a lot The sooner, the better 1.Structure content activities 2.Design learning activities 3.Integrate them in a scenario 4.Design an organising metaphor 5.Draw the page layout Content & pages (DreamWeaver etc..) (Communication tools) (Services: Autentication, Managment,..) Few students debug a lot The sooner, the better
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva UOM ON-LINE 3. Scenario
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva IntroductionCase discussionLaw & TheoryCase collectionCase presentation Evaluation Module: Urbanism & Planning Scenario (Ms Kirtee Baguant) 5 x 9 h = 45 h 3. Scenario
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Welcome to DodoWear, the ultimate clothes producers for sucssess and hapiness on Mauritius! You have recentrly been hired in our company, we would like to give you the best welcome in our company. Therefore, we prepared for you a first month of intensive training in which you will visit our different centers of activity. You will learn about each link in the global chain that goes from the consumer wishes to the consumer buying acts, though the design-make-sell process. You are lucky: for your first visit, we would like to send you to Paris and Milano where companies forecast the wishes of tommorow! … 4. Metaphor Accessories Marketing & Distribution Customers Garnment Production Design Fashion Centers
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Lesson1 Intro Case1 Law Lesson2 Lesson3 Forum Students Teacher Glossar Hhj jhkjh kj éilkj lkjélkj élkj lkj élkj élkj élkjélkj lékkjélkjlk loi lkljlk jlkjl kjlkj lkjlk lléjlkjl élkj àlkljà élkjél élkjélkj lékjélk jélkjlkj Kjhkjhkjhkjhk jhkjhk j by lékélkélkél jhkjhkjhkjhdkjhkjhk lléjkhkjh jh kby oiuoiu hgjhgjhgjg éljl kjl élikjélkj élk jhkjhkjhkjhkjhkjh kjhé lkjh.kj élkj élkjélkjélkj élkj jbj mhgk jh ljlkjlkjlkà kljéklj élkj élkj élkj élk é élkjélkjékl élkjélk lkj ékl élk ??? Jkhkjh ljh kjhl kjhl jkh lkjhlk j ART 34: iuiweuzo iui uhglwjh lkjhglkjhlkjh lkjshlkjh lkjh slkjh lksjhd lkjhsdlkjghlsdkj hglskjdh glkjsdhk iujoioli ART 35: iuiweuzo iui uhglwjh lkjhglkjhlkjh lkjshlkjh lkjh slkjh lksjhd lkjhsdlkjghlsdkj hglskjdh glkjsdhk iujoioli ART 57: iuiweuzo iui uhglwjh lkjhglkjhlkjh lkjshlkjh lkjh slkjh lksjhd lkjhsdlkjghlsdkj hglskjdh glkjsdhk iujoioli ART 66: iuiweuzo iui uhglwjh lkjhglkjhlkjh lkjshlkjh lkjh slkjh lksjhd LAW CASE 7 DISCUSSION CASE 7 UOM 5. Page layout
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Creating e-Learning DESIGN BUILD TEST DESIGN BUILD TEST 1.Structure content activities 2.Design learning activities 3.Integrate them in a scenario 4.Design an organising metaphor 5.Draw the page layout Content & pages (DreamWeaver etc..) (Communication tools) (Services: Autentication, Managment,..) Few students debug a lot The sooner, the better 1.Structure content activities 2.Design learning activities 3.Integrate them in a scenario 4.Design an organising metaphor 5.Draw the page layout Content & pages (DreamWeaver etc..) (Communication tools) (Services: Autentication, Managment,..) Few students debug a lot The sooner, the better
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva ? ??? Learning Activities ???
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Fashion Module Lession 1: Understand the role of design centers on fashion forecasting (1) Select an image from a top-model fashion magazine (2) Select an image from a ready-to-wear catalog (3) Identify the style that bridges (1) and (2) (4) Ask other students to map collection of images 1 and images 2
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Lesson1 Intro Case1 Law Lesson2 Lesson3 Forum Students Teacher Glossar Kjhkjhkjhkjhk jhkjhk j by lékélkélkél jhkjhkjhkjhdkjhkjhk lléjkhkjh jh kby oiuoiu hgjhgjhgjg éljl kjl élikjélkj élk jhkjhkjhkjhkjhkjh kjhé lkjh.kj élkj élkjélkjélkj élkj jbj mhgk jh ljlkjlkjlkà kljéklj élkj élkj élkj élk é élkjélkjékl élkjélk lkj ékl élk ??? Jkhkjh ljh kjhl kjhl jkh lkjhlk j Top Model Design theme UOM Ready to Wear
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Case-based teaching: knowledge in action contextualized learning group discussion links with hypertext (theory, law,..) (see COW)
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva AIDS: Case 1AIDS: Case 2 Students in Geneva Students in Beiruth Students in Monastir Students in Yaounde Students in Geneva Students in Beiruth Students in Monastir Students in Yaounde Diabetis: Case 1 Students in Geneva Students in Beiruth Students in Monastir Students in Yaounde
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Problem-based learning (1)Start from a problem (2)Define learning objectives (3)Work individually or in small groups towards objectives (4)Debriefing with tutors
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Spatial metaphor Zones = courses Buildings = activities Rooms = steps Zones People in same room News & who is where Identity Tecfa Virtual Campus TECFA.UNIGE.CH PHP 3 + MySQL
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva pseudo-task solo individual differences debriefing pseudo-task duo group differencesArgueGraph
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva pseudo-task solo individual differences debriefing pseudo-task duo group differencesArgueGraph
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva pseudo-task solo Individual differences debriefing pseudo-task duo group differencesArgueGraph
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva pseudo-task solo individual differences debriefing pseudo-task duo group differencesArgueGraph
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Design choices Immediate FB Delayed FB Microworld FB Theories Behavioursim Constructivism Metacognition pseudo-task solo individual differences debriefing pseudo-task duo group differencesArgueGraph
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Does it work ? Exp. 1 (97) 16 master students Exp. 2 (98) 15 cont. Education adults Exp. 3 (98) 18 master students Exp. 4 (99) 16 master students Intuitively yes (noise) No pre/post test data (hence probably not) Not for the last experiment Let's look process variables.
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva ArgueGraph Data (Exp.3) Reformulation Justification Solo57 % 43 % Duo15 % 85 % Restatment of the question At least one new idea...
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva AcceptCondition Discard No Conflict28 13 Conflict "We answer 3 because motivation is important" "We answer 3 because motivation is important" "We choose 3 because 2 does not work" "We answer 2 if the learner is a child but we answer 3 for adult learners" "We answer 2 if the learner is a child but we answer 3 for adult learners" ArgueGraph Data (Exp.3)
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva NewUnion Victory No Conflict Conflict Arg(AB) Arg(A) & Arg(AB) Arg(B Arg(AB) =Arg(A) or Arg(AB) =Arg(B ) Arg(AB)=Arg(A) U Arg(B ) X 2 =6.2, p<.05) ArgueGraph Data (Exp.3)
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva So what? Fostering conflict seems to produce more elaborated arguments
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva What design is suggested by exp 3 ?
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva What's the problem with exp 4 ? pseudo-task debriefing Coffee-break 1 week Exp 1-3 Exp 4 pseudo-task
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva ModelActivity Mastery learning « Practicum Authorware »
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva ModelActivity Mastery learning + social interactions « Practicum Authorware »
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva ModelActivity Discovery learning « Laboratoire d Ergonomie »
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva ModelActivity « Laboratoire d Ergonomie » Discovery learning + social interactions
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva ModelActivity « Courseware Design Studio » Project-based
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Estimate the volume of an oil reservatoir Seismic Data Well DataEnvironment Data Activity : Jigsaw
P. Dillenbourg TECFA University of Geneva Seismic Data Well DataEnvironment Data Activity: Double Jigsaw Estimate the volume of an oil reservatoir