Character’s Name from Book Title by Author Friends Quote to Live By: Character’s Name Character’s Name from Book Title by Author Lives in ________________ * Single, Married, Divorced, or It’s complicated * Born on _________________________ Your Character’s Name Write a status update for your character according to what’s going on in the book. Character’s Name Write a post from this person/character to the character who owns this fb page. Make sure the post is meaningful and contains some detail that gives information about this character’s relationship to the person who owns the fb page. Write a quote that the character would appreciate and agree with. Make sure to include the author of that quote. This quote should be from a famous person that is NOT someone in the book Your Character’s Name Your character should respond to at least one character who posted on your wall with a comment that’s meaninful to the book. Character’s Name Write a post from this person/character to the character who owns this fb page. Make sure the post is meaningful and contains some detail that gives information about this character’s relationship to the person who owns the fb page. Replace the pictures to the left with pictures of people the character would be friends with and then write their names next to them. Your Character’s Name Your character should respond to at least one character who posted on your wall with a comment that’s meaninful to the book. Character’s Name Write a post from this person/character to the character who owns this fb page. Make sure the post is meaningful and contains some detail that gives information about this character’s relationship to the person who owns the fb page.
Character’s Name Claude Monet Character’s Name Friends Basic Info Interests: Favorite Movies, Music, TV Shows, Books Pages I Like: Claude Monet Character’s Name Character’s Name Lives in __________________ * Marrital status * Born on_________________________ About Character’s Name Write a short paragraph describing your character. Remember to write in first person point of view (using I, me, my, etc.) List at least 3 favorite things of the character from these categories or other favorite categories. Name of character’s friend or relative Include pictures, symbols, or logos from favorite websites or causes- Must give at least 3 Pages the character would like. Name of character’s friend or relative Name of character’s friend or relative
Ins. Give a title for your character’s photo album Your Character’s Name Give a title for your character’s photo album By Character’s Name (Albums) * Updated 1 day ago Ins. Insert a picture or symbol that represents a major event in this character’s life (ex. Wedding, graduation, birthday). Try to personalize it based on what you know of the character. Make sure to include a caption explaining the photo. Insert a picture of at least 1 setting from the book above. Make sure you include a caption that tells about the picture in this box. Insert a picture of a family member or friend of this character (or what you think they may look like). Make sure to include a caption in this box telling who they are.