Business mail by audience How different audiences interact with their business mail January 2018 Copyright JICMAIL
Defining business mail Type of mail Mail that is categorised as business mail is always an addressed piece of mail, addressed to an individual. It must also contain the content outlined on the left. We do not include business mail reach and frequency in our findings as it is not advertising mail. Business mail can come from any business sector. Letter addressed to me An item of mail addressed to an individual in the household Letter addressed to someone else in the household Letter addressed to “householder” or “occupier” Letter for someone else who doesn’t live here Leaflet/flyer or other mail with an address Catalogue addressed to me or someone else in the household + Contains the following Financial statement/bill/update Loyalty reward statement News/update/magazine articles Notification reminder Administrative information (e.g. account details) Appointment related information © JICMAIL
Mail consumption by audience The over 55s are most likely to be exposed to business mail. Women are more likely to be exposed to business mail. DE social group has the highest propensity to be exposed to business mail. Whilst exposure to business mail is pretty consistent by region it is highest in North East, Yorkshire and the Humber. Frequency of exposure to business mail is broadly consistent between ages of 35 and above 55 but it is lower for those under 35. You are significantly more likely to return to business mail if you are a woman. The pattern for frequency within social grades is pretty consistent with those in C2, DE social grades showing slightly higher frequency than ABC1’s. Northern Ireland has the highest frequency for business mail, but everything is pretty consistent across all regions at above 4.32. For a full definition of all the mail types JICMAIL gathers information on see slide 15.
Who is exposed to business mail by age? Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Who is exposed to business mail by age? Business Mail profile index by age (100 = average person exposed to mail) 157 The over 55s are most likely to be exposed to business mail. 131 81 55+ 35-54 Under 35 © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Base: Business Mail Items n=6,444
Who is exposed to business mail by gender? Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Who is exposed to business mail by gender? Business Mail profile index by gender (100 = average person exposed to mail) 114 Women are more likely to be exposed to business mail. 85 Female Male © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Base: Business Mail Items n=6,444
Who is exposed to business mail by social grade? DE social group has the highest propensity to be exposed to business mail. © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Base: Business Mail Items n=6,444
Who is exposed to business mail by region? Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Who is exposed to business mail by region? Whilst exposure to business mail is pretty consistent by region it is highest in the North East, Yorkshire and the Humber. © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Base: Business Mail Items n=6,444
Frequency © JICMAIL
Frequency of exposure to business mail by age Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Frequency of exposure to business mail by age Business Mail profile index by age (100 = average person exposed to mail) 4.62 Frequency of exposure to business mail is not that different between ages of 35 and above 55 but it is lower for those under 35. 4.53 4.24 Under 35 55+ 35-54 © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Base: Business Mail Items n=6,444
Frequency of exposure to business mail by gender Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Frequency of exposure to business mail by gender Business Mail profile index by gender (100 = average person exposed to mail) 5.05 You are more likely to return to business mail if you are a woman. 4.54 Female Male © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Base: Business Mail Items n=6,444
Frequency for business mail by social grade Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Frequency for business mail by social grade The pattern for frequency within social grades is pretty consistent with those in C2, DE social grades showing slightly higher frequency than ABC1’s. © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Base: Business Mail Items n=6,444
Frequency for business mail by region Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Frequency for business mail by region Northern Ireland has the highest frequency for business mail, but everything is pretty consistent across all regions at above 4.32. © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Q2&Q3, Kantar TNS, 2017 Base: Business Mail Items n=6,444
JICMAIL 70 Margaret Street London W1W 8SS www.JICMAIL.org.uk Copyright JICMAIL
Mail categories gathered and what is reported 1. Addressed mail 3. Business mail This can effectively come from any sector that we capture, from a supermarket to a financial and services business. It is classified as addressed mail if it clearly contains information about products and services, an offer or drive to web. Business mail can come from any sector but must contain a financial statement, bill, notification or reminder, rather than a selling message. We have gathered this data to understand the overall mail bag but also to help planners engaged in these types of communications. 2. Door drop 4. Commercial actions These are items which do not have an address and are not addressed to a “householder” or “occupant”. Again, of course, they will come from any sector and can be from any sender. There is also a raft of commercial activity we collect which cannot directly be linked to someone being exposed to the mail piece. We capture this in order to give a complete picture of the impact of mail over time. Provide key metrics for JICMail currency data Not included in core currency – provided for extra insight © JICMail