Anglo-Saxon Literature 12TH Grade Brit Lit
Anglo-Saxon Literature Anglo-Saxon Poetry Heroic – recounts the achievements of warriors Epic – a long heroic poem celebrating a legendary warrior known for his courage, strength, and dignity Elegiac – mourns the death of loved ones and the loss of the past (“Seafarer” is an ELEGY) Lyric – expresses the thoughts and feelings of a single speaker, composed for easy memorization and recitation
Anglo-Saxon Literature cont. Most famous example of an epic (heroic) poem is Beowulf Examples of elegiac poetry: “The Seafarer,” “The Wanderer,” and “The Wife’s Lament” authors of these poems are unknown because they were told in the oral tradition, passed down from generation to generation Epic poems have epic heroes, a hero who takes on quests in the pursuit of fame and glory to build his reputation
Anglo-Saxon Literature cont. Anglo-Saxon Poetic Elements Caesura – rhythmic breaks in the middle of lines, where the speaker could pause for breath for example: “Oft to the wanderer, weary of exile” Kenning – two-word poetic renaming of people, places, and things for example: whales’ home for the sea and gray beards for old men Assonance – the repetition of vowel sounds for example: “batter these ramparts” Alliteration – the repetition of initial consonant sounds for example: “showed me suffering in a hundred ships”