Directions for Completion Open this program in “Slide Show”. Failing to do so will eliminate your ability to click on the links provided which take you directly to required education components. Not sure how? Above your toolbar, you will see tabs > click on the Slide Show tab then click on the “From Beginning” icon on far left of tool bar. There are several components to this education; each component is REQUIRED. Certificates MUST be printed and submitted to your manager/designee for tracking of completion. Certificate from NDNQI indicating completion of Module 1 Certificates (3) from Braden indicating completion of 3 case studies Certificate from Tracker Trainer (keep a copy for your personal CE file) CE will be awarded by completing the Tracker Trainer “Take Test” acknowledgement. Comments or questions can be directed to
Pressure Ulcer Prevention Education Components 2015
The Problem of Pressure Ulcers Each year, more than 2.5 million people in the United States develop pressure ulcers. These skin lesions bring pain, associated risk for serious infection, and increased health care utilization. Moreover, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) no longer provides additional reimbursement to hospitals to care for a patient who has acquired a pressure ulcer while under the hospital’s care. Thus, pressure ulcer prevention presents an important challenge in acute care hospitals. A number of best practices have been shown to be effective in reducing the occurrence of pressure ulcers, but these practices are not used systematically in all hospitals. Pressure Ulcers cause considerable harm to patients, hindering functional recovery, frequently causing pain and the development of serious infections. Pressure ulcers have also been associated with an extended length of stay and mortality. In fact, nearly 60,000 US hospital patients are estimated to die each year from complications due to hospital-acquired pressure ulcers. The estimated cost of managing a single full-thickness pressure ulcer is as high as $70,000, and the total cost for treatment of pressure ulcers in the US is estimated at $11 billion per year. (Reddy M, Gill SS, Rochon PA. Preventing pressure ulcers: A systematic review. JAMA. 2006;296:974-984) Hospital Acquired conditions such as pressure ulcers are important metrics used to measure hospital performance in the Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction Program, Value Base Purchasing program and others. These programs are designed to evaluate a hospital’s ability to provide safe, quality and effective care to their patients. In federal fiscal year 2015 (last year), the penalty sustained by SLUHN’s performance in these programs totaled nearly 2.5 million dollars! Quality nursing care has a direct impact on the success of these programs.
Education Components There are 3 parts to the RN education required in 2015 (current staff). Review of the Nursing policy (D-34) - Pressure Ulcers: Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Ulcer Risk and Prevention and Care and the corresponding attachments Complete NDNQI Module 1 – Pressure Ulcers and Staging Complete 3 case studies Using the Braden Scale in Clinical Practice All inpatient nurses must complete 3 case studies. Acute Care: Case Study 2 - Medical exemplar Case Study 3 - Surgical exemplar Case Study 1, 4, or 5 (choose 1) Critical Care: Case Study 4 - Critical Care exemplar. Complete the posttest with each case study. Check your work then print the completion certificate. Specific directions for completion of each component follow. Remember to print certificates at the time of completion!
Part 1 – Review of Nursing Policy Review of the Nursing policy (D-34) - Pressure Ulcers: Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Ulcer Risk and Prevention and Care. Click on the link below to go to the policy manual. - Select “P” from alphabetical list. - Scroll to “Pressure Ulcers: Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Ulcer Risk and Prevention and Care Pressure Ulcers policy Don’t forget to review the policy attachments!
Part 2 - Complete NDNQI Module 1 – Pressure Ulcers and Staging Clicking on the link at the bottom of this page will take you directly to the NDNQI website where you will only complete Module 1. On the homepage, click the Begin button on the lower right. On the page which starts with “This Training Program Offers Multiple Paths for Completion” – select OPTION 2 – Proof of Completion, No Contact Hours Read the instruction page carefully; you will be required to print a certificate for your manager as proof of completion. On the next screen, complete your name when prompted, then click Begin. Review the entire module. You can only print a certificate if you pass the posttest. The posttest is comprised of 12 pictures and descriptions which you will be required to “stage”. NDNQI Module 1
Step 3 – Using the Braden Scale in Clinical Practice Common drive (I) > Allentown > Braden CD (link below) Scroll down and select the file called: case studies.html On the Case Study selection page under “Acute Care Links” – choose the case studies indicated RNs on P6-P9 & Short Stay Center – exemplars # 2, 3, & choice of 1 or 5 RNs on P4, P5, ICU, & MICU – exemplars # 2, 3, & 4 Remember to print the certificates for each case study from Braden!! Click the link below to access the Case Studies I:\Allentown\BradenCD
Completion Make sure you have completed all 3 components of education. Close this page and “Take Test” for the corresponding CE certificate.