Role of CRUE ERA-Net in Flood-Related R&D Information Exchange Sue Antonelli CRUE Project Manager (Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) October 2007 Coordination de la Recherche sur la gestion des inondations, financée dans l’Union Européenne Eranet CRUE 19/10/2007
General aims of the ERA-Net Programme ERA-Net = European Research Area Network Aim: Develop European Research Area leading to... - World class science in Europe - Better European policy integration - Increased international synergy - Efficiency by avoiding redundant work Eranet CRUE 19/10/2007
Vision for CRUE-Eranet An enduring programme of collaboration and integration of flood research across Europe, producing results that are valuable for policy-makers. Eranet CRUE 19/10/2007
NATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMMES Missing link? EU-POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND Results of national research projects not always directly available as input to EU-policies -> ERA-Net: means for access to national research NATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMMES Missing link? EU-POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION EU-FUNDED RESEARCH PROGRAMMES Eranet CRUE 19/10/2007
CRUE ERA-Net Team Austria Finland France Germany Netherlands Hungary Italy Poland Spain UK (England, Scotland, Wales) Ireland (forthcoming), Flanders (BE) joined our network meeting this week Invitations sent to a number of other MS Eranet CRUE 19/10/2007
Actions Information management (CRUISE), key tool for analysis of research gaps&needs + current efforts The gateway to flood research of most EU-countries. Over 30 programmes and 300 projects. Research Co-operation - First Common Call has asked a Key Policy Question – effectiveness and efficiency of non- structural measures in flood risk management. 6 Partners, €1.6mill, 7 projects. Shared research agenda. Develop a 5 – 10 year European research agenda for flood risk management to; (i) Influence second CRUE common call, (ii) inform EC FP7 work programme, and (iii) improve links between policy and R&D across Europe, so that flood management decisions based on sound science Eranet CRUE 19/10/2007
CRUE ERA-Net: Policy-Responsive Network for Information Exchange and Research Collaboration Eranet CRUE 19/10/2007
A way forward CRUE Snapshot publication, first edition for the next WG F meeting in April 2008. CRUE as a resource for WG F (and its exchange circles)? 1. Is there a role for exchange circles to specify detailed research questions? 2. Is there a role for WG F to prioritise such requirements in relation to the Floods Directive for inclusion into the CRUE research agenda? CRUE is hosting a Workshop in April 2008 to formulate the content of the research agenda and to finalise the topic for the 2nd common call – ‘Flood resilient communities’ ?. Eranet CRUE 19/10/2007 Thank you Coordination de la Recherche sur la gestion des inondations, financée dans l’Union Européenne Eranet CRUE 19/10/2007