IE brings quality improvement in teaching and managing because there is … MORE experience-based, hands-on learning, teaching children to think and reasons. MORE active learning (doing, talking, trying out ). MORE emphasis on higher-order thinking. MORE responsibility given to students for their work, goal setting and monitoring. MORE enacting and modeling of the principles of democracy. MORE attention for emotional needs and different cognitive styles of individual students. MORE cooperative activities. MORE reliance upon teachers’ descriptive evaluation of student growth. MORE varied and cooperative roles for teachers, administrators and parents. LESS whole-class, teacher-directed lecturing and instruction. LESS passive learning, such as sitting and just listening. LESS rote memorization of facts. LESS stress on competition and grading. LESS tracking or leveling students into “ability groups”. LESS use of, and reliance on standardize tests.
Inclusion: an issue of “will” and “attitude” “There is very little difference in people. But that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude The big difference is whether it is positive or negative” Author Unknown