Author: Gerald McDermott Genre: Fable c.montgomery 2010 The Fox and the Stork Author: Gerald McDermott Genre: Fable c.montgomery 2010
something used to open or close an entrance to a room door something used to open or close an entrance to a room
kind nice to others
made did make
who which person
would past of will
Review: made would kind door who
What ______ you do? kind would who
____ did you see? Who Door Kind
Dad _____ this for me. would who made
It was ____ of her to help me. each kind would
Go out the ______! would kind door
Fluency A fox lives in the forest. The fox liked to play tricks on his friends. One morning, Fox rowed his boat around the pond. The next day, Stork went to Fox’s house for dinner. Fox served soup in a flat dish.