Ascension of Jesus Acts 1:1-11 4/15/2018
Significance of Christ’s Ascension Lordship of Christ- Acts 2:29-36 Outpouring of the Holy Spirit- Resulting in the formation of the church, therefore the church is from God not man. Matthew 3:11 Revealed the Nature of His Kingdom John 6:15; 18:36
Significance of Christ’s Ascension Signifies the Nature of His Return- Verb for “taken up” used 24 times in New Testament never in a figurative sense. Beginning of His High Priestly Ministry- Mediator of the New Covenant Hebrews 2:7-9 Signaled the end to his earthly ministry.
Significance of Christ’s Ascension Signaled success in His earthly work. Marked the return of His heavenly glory. It allowed for Him to go and prepare a place for us.