Winnington Park Primary School Parent Reading Workshop November 8th 2017
Welcome! First a big Reading is a life skill and our aim tonight is to… Improve your understanding of the teaching & learning provision in school. Develop your understanding of how you as parents/ carers can best support your children through daily reading practice at home.
What reading does my child do in school? LOTS! Each week your child takes part in many different reading activities either as an individual, in a group or as part of their class. Guided Reading with a teacher Pre reading Whole Class Reading Phonics Story sacks (EYFS) Class Novels Planned Stories (EYFS) Word finding/understanding Role play Comprehension development Big Books
In addition… Interventions e.g. ECaR, BRP 1:1 reading with a volunteer At Winnington Park we also enrich the reading experience with… Reading weeks Book Fair Community Readers Library visits Resources from the Educational Resource Library Author experiences
And… The very valuable expectation of daily Home Reading! This helps to embed learning as (here’s the clever bit) scientists have realised that neural networks/pathways are grown and established over night securing learning.
And now… We are going to split up into… EYFS-In Reception room Yr1/2- In Miss Hope’s & Miss Lewis’ room Yr3/4 – In Mrs Waring’s room Yr5/6 in Mrs Hall’s and Miss Jones’ room Each session will be 20-25mins allowing you to visit two rooms and hopefully see a wide spread of what goes on in more detail.