County Devolution: A Deal for all John Pollard
Councillor John Pollard - Leader of Cornwall Council
d “A prosperous Cornwall that is resilient and resourceful… d A clear and coherent vision… d “A prosperous Cornwall that is resilient and resourceful… d …a place where communities are strong and where the most vulnerable are protected.” d
d “We are ambitious and confident about Cornwall’s future… Focused on eight strategic themes… d “We are ambitious and confident about Cornwall’s future… ...securing greater freedoms from the Government will help realise Cornwall’s unique potential.”
Our devolution ‘asks’… d “Sets out the powers and freedoms we want to secure from the Government to enable Cornwall to take greater control over its own affairs.”
Making ‘double devolution’ a reality… Providing visible strong and effective strategic leadership through the ‘Leader and Cabinet’ model… …but reworking local governance and empowering hundreds of communities.
The Deal… Devolving EU funding decisions c. €603m Local flexibility to address our energy and resilience needs Local control over public assets £2.5bn+ Freedom to create an integrated public transport system £50m+ Local control of employment and skills funding £60m+ A local approach to promoting heritage and tourism Accelerate health and social care integration £1.8bn+ Local control of business support funding £200m Gives Cornwall the powers, freedoms and flexibility to accelerate the delivery of our Strategy.
Timescales - being fleet of foot but not tripping up! Barriers and challenges… Timescales - being fleet of foot but not tripping up! Negotiation - how far are you prepared to go to secure a Deal? Unity - balancing local and national politics Governance - mayoral v leader model Capacity - be careful what you wish for!
The end of the beginning!